Chapter 23. Building a Web Database

In the last few chapters, you considered the challenges and compromises of sharing your Access databases with a crowd of people. In Chapter 19, for example, you learned the most direct approach—splitting your database file into two pieces, and putting the piece with the data on a network server where everyone can reach it. This approach works wonders, up to a point. As your database grows in size and attracts more fans, performance and reliability suffer.

In Chapters Chapter 21 and Chapter 22, you learned to use SQL Server and SharePoint to create a more resilient back end that can handle hundreds of eager database users without a hiccup. This technique solves the performance and reliability problems of large-scale Access databases, but it also adds new challenges. First, you need to deal with the complexity of SQL Server or the limitations of SharePoint lists. Second, you have the monumental challenge of synchronizing your front end—in other words, making sure that everyone has the most recent set of forms, reports, and code.

Access 2010 introduces a feature that just might be the best compromise yet. It lets you create a SharePoint-powered web database that handles huge numbers of people and integrates neatly into the world of Access. Web databases use web-based versions of Access’s traditional forms and reports, while SharePoint makes sure that everyone gets the latest Access front end. Best of all, everyone can use your web database ...

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