Access to Firm Credit, 20
Audit and Accounting Practices, 14
Big linkers, 77
Board composition
in Mexico, 57–58
age, 60–61
board evaluation, 72
board meetings, 72–73
duality, 62
education, 65–66
firm age, 68
firm internationalization, 73–74
foreigners, 58–59
functional background, 66–68
government experience, 64–65
independence, 62–64
industry, 68–69
international experience, 64
listed foreign exchanges, 74–75
number of committees, 70–72
reputation, 70
tenure, 61–62
women, 59–60
Board evaluation, 72
Board meetings, 72–73
Boards of family firms, 38–56
Bonding, 74
Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC), 91
Breach of loyalty, 19
Buffet, Warren, 36
Business groups, 25–31
Calderon, Felipe, 6
Carlo’s Slim group, 31
Centro de Investigación ...
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