
access, 82, 119, 132

accidental destruction, 132

action items, 98, 100–101

adequate and proper documentation, 65–66

Alabama, 151

Application and Data Services (ADS), 111

archival, 122

records, 120, 129–133

Arizona, 151

arrangement and identification, 87

attachments, 140–141

audiovisual records, 86

auditing, 10

authenticity, 80

automation, 137–138

backups, 140–141

big data, 39–41

California, 151

capturing records, 82

chief data officers, 71–72

Clinger–Cohen Act (CCA), 102

closure phase, 21

Colorado, 152

communications plan, 111

compliance, 44–46

Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988, 113–114

Computing Services (CS), 111

confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), 54

Connecticut, 153

conscious design, 92

containment ...

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