152 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 6-2 JDBC architecture
The Database Access user interface uses the Java JDBC interface to
communicate with the target database. The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
specification is a generic way to query and update relational tables and translate
the result into Java data types.
JDBC makes it possible to do the following:
1. Establish a connection with a database you define.
2. Send SQL statements for execution.
3. Process and return the results.
6.3 DB2 Installation
Although IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5 and IBM WebSphere
Application Server Version 3.5 do not provide DB2, in this chapter we are
including a sample installation procedure.
If you plan to create and execute database Integration Objects using DB2, you
will install it before you attempt to use the Host Publisher Studio and Server.
However, you can install DB2 anytime after installing Host Publisher, but make
sure you configure WebSphere Application Server for the DB2 Java access.
You can install the IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 6.1, 7.1 or later
(Personal, Workgroup, or Enterprise Edition). You may want to address the
following issues when installing DB2:
Note: When using database Integration Objects, we also recommend using
DB2 as your default database when installing WebSphere Application Server,
to avoid any conflict problems.
Chapter 6. Database Integration Objects 153
򐂰 You must be logged on to the target computer with Windows NT administrator
򐂰 If a supported DB2 already exists on the target computer, you must supply a
valid DB2 user ID and password.
򐂰 After installation, you must restart your system.
The following steps show you a sample DB2 Universal Database Enterprise
Edition installation which gives you a version of the DB2 Universal Database for
use at your workstation:
1. In the initial screen (see Figure 6-3), select the DB2 Universal Database
Enterprise Edition option.
Figure 6-3 DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Installation
154 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
2. Select the installation type as shown in Figure 6-4
Figure 6-4 DB2 Installation Type selection
3. During the installation process, you will be asked for the user ID and
password that the Administration Server will use to log on to your system. The
default value for both is db2admin (see Figure 6-5)
Chapter 6. Database Integration Objects 155
Figure 6-5 Entering the user ID and password for the Administration Server
If the db2admin user name does not already exist, for security reasons (since this
password is the default for any DB2 install and therefore is well known) we
recommend that you provide your own password. Enter a password in the
Password and Confirm Password fields. You must ensure that it complies with
DB2's naming rules.
When the setup program creates the db2admin user name, it also makes it a
member of the Administrators group.
In order for this user name and password to be used by the Administration Server
to log on as a service, the setup program will assign the following user rights to
this account:
򐂰 Log on as a service.
򐂰 Act as part of the operating system.
򐂰 Create a token object.
򐂰 Increase quotas.
򐂰 Replace a process level token.
4. After the installation, you will need to restart the system.
156 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
At this time, you may want to configure WebSphere Application Server for the
DB2 Java Access.
To configure the paths on WebSphere Application Server, you should open the
Administrators Console using Start -> Programs -> IBM WebSphere ->
Application Server V3.5 -> Administrative Console.
On the Advanced tab at the WebApplication: hostpublisher window, you add the
following entries to the Classpath (see Figure 6-6 on page 156):
Figure 6-6 WebSphere Application Server path for DB2
Note: Do not forget to click Apply so that your changes become available (see
Figure 6-6).

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