92 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
4.5.1 Logging
The Host Publisher Server produces messages.txt files to help you in problem
determination. The Host Publisher log file records information about three kinds
of events:
Error events: problems that prevent an operation from completing. Error
events usually require that you take some action to correct the problem.
Warning events: unexpected occurrences that may require action to correct
the problem. Warning events are not as serious as error events.
Information events: normal occurrences, such as starting and stopping the
Host Publisher Server. Information events do not require any action.
The log file is intended for you to read and use as a reference when
troubleshooting problems. The Problem Determination panels in Host Publisher
Server Administration enable you to control logging. Using these panels, you can
perform the following tasks:
򐂰 View Log. This option allows you to view the last 200 lines of the log file,
download the entire file, or clear the file.
Figure 4-16 Host Publisher Administration: View Log

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