38 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
򐂰 Windows 2000
򐂰 iSeries (AS/400)
Note: Memory requirements for the Windows NT and Windows 2000 is 40 MB of
disk space and 256 MB RAM (512 MB recommended).
2.3 IBM HTTP Web Server
If you choose to use the IBM HTTP Web Server as your Web Server, there are
several ways you can verify its proper installation. If you have problems with the
server, you may want to execute the steps in the following checklist:
򐂰 The Web server is normally installed as a service in Windows NT. Therefore,
from the Control Panel, open Services and make sure it has been started
after rebooting the machine, as shown in Figure 2-1. If it is not started, select
the Startup option to verify which user ID it is using and that it has
administrator privileges. Reconfigure any options for proper values to run the
IBM HTTP Web Server as a service.
Figure 2-1 IBM HTTP Server status
򐂰 Once you are sure that the IBM HTTP Web Server is started and running,
from a Web browser access the Web server welcome screen using the URL
http://<server-name>/ or (for a local connection).
Chapter 2. Installation 39
Figure 2-2 IBM HTTP Server welcome page
Restarting the server
The IBM HTTP Server can be stopped and restarted using the Services control
panel options (see Figure 2-1 on page 38); you can also enter a command, in the
Windows console, which is very useful when you Telnet to the server. In this
case, enter a command as follows:
To start the server, enter net start "IBM HTTP Server"
To stop the server, enter net stop "IBM HTTP Server"
For more information on IBM HTTP Server, see the product documentation at

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