Chapter 19. Cloning and Workload Management (WLM) 607
Figure 19-12 Create JDBC driver
As shown in Figure 19-13 on page 607, you will get a Create a JDBC Driver
window. Let the name of driver be session and select the JDBC driver class
name, usually the class name for DB2 is
Figure 19-13 Creating the JDBC driver
608 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Now that you have created the driver for the database, you will then need to
create the data source. Right click on DataSources and click on Create.
Figure 19-14 Create DataSources
For example, for this scenario enter the Data Source Name as session and
Database name as sessdb.
Figure 19-15 Creating the DataSource
Next, you will need to enable persistence sessions. As shown in Figure 19-16 on
page 609 using the WAS Administration Console:
Chapter 19. Cloning and Workload Management (WLM) 609
򐂰 Go back to Topology View.
򐂰 Expand the model and the HPServletEngine.
򐂰 Click on the Session Manager and select Enable tab in the panel.
򐂰 In Enable Persistent Sessions, select Yes and click on Apply.
Figure 19-16 Enabling session persistence
The final step is to change the JDBC Data Source to the one you have just
created. As illustrated in Figure 19-17 on page 610 click on the persistence tab,
click on the change button and select the datasource that was previously created
and enter the proper values for this scenario.
610 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 19-17 Setting up the Data Source for persistence
Step 4: Creating clones
To create Host Publisher clones simply execute the following steps:
1. Right click HostPubServerModel, the model that you just created.
2. From the menu, select Create>clone (see Figure 19-18).
Chapter 19. Cloning and Workload Management (WLM) 611
Figure 19-18 Create a clone
3. Type a name for the clone you are creating, for example
HostPubServerClone1, HostPubServerClone2 and so on.
4. Expand the Nodes below. Select a parent object for the new clone. That is,
select the host system as illustrated in Figure 19-19.
Figure 19-19 Select a parent for new clone

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