Chapter 17. EJB application support 531
The files are:
򐂰 HPubCommon.jar
򐂰 Hobj01Access0.jar
򐂰 _wlm_DeployedHPubEJB.jar
򐂰 ujc.jar
򐂰 ejs.jar
A sample classpath is illustrated in Figure 17-23.
Figure 17-23 Setting a classpath for Java compiles
Once the classpath has been set, compile the sample Java program by issuing
the following command for example:
where is the sample Java program for this scenario.
Step 5: Run the sample scenario
Execute the compiled Java program (class) and enter the requested application
input. The window is shown in Figure 17-24.
Figure 17-24 Stand-alone Java application input
When the required input is entered and you click OK (see Figure 17-24), the EJB
Access Bean (Hobj01Access0) will be instantiated. In turn, the EJB Access Bean
will look for the server name and port number in its properties file, access the
JNDI server and communicate with Host Publisher EJB via RMI/IIOP to access
the original Integration Object in order to execute the CICS transaction.

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