418 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 15-15 Input Page field selection
Then, choose the output properties that will be presented in the results page, as
shown in Figure 15-16 on page 419. The output fields can be rearranged to
appear in the same order that we want them to be in the results page.
Chapter 15. Integration Objects and WebSphere Studio 419
Figure 15-16 Results Page field selection
In this scenario, the standard error page text is used, as shown in Figure 15-17
on page 420.
420 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 15-17 Error Page
Next, you must select the Integration Object methods that will be included in the
results.jsp page. The method to execute queries to the CICS application is
doHPTransaction (request, response). This method should always be selected.
Other methods could be selected as required by your application (see
Figure 15-18). For more information on the available methods see the IBM
Websphere Host Publisher Programmers Guide, available through the Help
option of the Host Publisher application.
Chapter 15. Integration Objects and WebSphere Studio 421
Figure 15-18 Integration Object Methods selection
You will then have the option to store the bean in the users session (see
Figure 15-19 on page 422). In our example, this feature will not be used.
422 IBM WebSphere Host Publisher Version 3.5
Figure 15-19 Session
For the following prompt, the package name is optional. The prefix is used in the
name of every page that is created, as illustrated in Figure 15-20. We have
selected the option to rename the prefix, as shown in the following figures.

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