Notes on Contributors

William Sims Bainbridge. Co-director of Human-Centered Computing at the National Science Foundation (NSF); part-time Professor of Sociology, George Mason University.

Ulrich Beck. Professor of Sociology, University of Munich; British Journal of Sociology; Visiting Centennial Professor, London School of Economics and Sciences.

Wiebe E. Bijker. Professor of Technology and Society, Maastricht University.

Mieke Boon. Associate Professor, Philosophy Department, University of Twente.

Nick Bostrom. Director of the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University.

Francesca Bray. Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh.

Philip Brey. Associate Professor of Philosophy of Technology and chair of the department of philosophy, University of Twente; Director of the Centre for Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Science (CEPTES).

Louis L. Bucciarelli. Professor emeritus and former director of MIT’s Technology Studies Program.

Harry Collins. Distinguished Research Professor, Cardiff University.

Christelle Didier. Assistant Professor, Department of Ethics, Catholic University of Lille.

Jean-Pierre Dupuy. Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, École Polytechnique, Paris; director of research, CNRS (Philosophy), USA.

Val Dusek. Professor of Philosophy, University of New Hampshire.

Deni Elliott. Poynter Jamison Chair in Media Ethics and Press Policy, University of South Florida; Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, University of South Florida. ...

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