abstract words, 39–40
accurate information, 40–42
act natural, 99–100
adapting, content, 35–36
amount of information, 38–39
appropriate repetition, 83
articulation, 87–88
attention, 23–25
attitude, 4–5
mannerisms, 97
awareness, 7–8
body language. See also language
cultural differences, 48
to reinforce words, 91–93
body movement, mannerisms, 98–99
breathing, voice quality, 109–110
briefing, 78–79
candid, 9–11
cautions, word meanings, 58–60
clarifying the message
articulation, 87–88
body language, 91–93
brief, 78–79
emphasizing, 80–81
examples, 85–86
explanation, 83–85
feedback, 93–95
pauses, 90–91
pronunciation, 89–90
repetition, 82–83
summarizing, 86–87
thinking, 75–77
transition, 81–82
words, definition, 77–78
clarity, 61–63
colors and ...