50 Hours of Big Data, PySpark, AWS, Scala, and Scraping

Video description

Part 1 is designed to reflect the most in-demand Scala skills. It provides an in-depth understanding of core Scala concepts. We will wrap up with a discussion on Map Reduce and ETL pipelines using Spark from AWS S3 to AWS RDS (includes six mini-projects and one Scala Spark project).

Part 2 covers PySpark to perform data analysis. You will explore Spark RDDs, Dataframes, a bit of Spark SQL queries, transformations, and actions that can be performed on the data using Spark RDDs and dataframes, the ecosystem of Spark and Hadoop, and their underlying architecture. You will also learn how we can leverage AWS storage, databases, computations, and how Spark can communicate with different AWS services.

Part 3 is all about data scraping and data mining. You will cover important concepts such as Internet Browser execution and communication with the server, synchronous and asynchronous, parsing data in response from the server, tools for data scraping, Python requests module, and more.

In Part 4, you will be using MongoDB to develop an understanding of the NoSQL databases. You will explore the basic operations and explore the MongoDB query, project and update operators. We will wind up this section with two projects: Developing a CRUD-based application using Django and MongoDB and implementing an ETL pipeline using PySpark to dump the data in MongoDB.

By the end of this course, you will be able to relate the concepts and practical aspects of learned technologies with real-world problems.

What You Will Learn

  • Build ETL pipeline from AWS S3 to AWS RDS using Spark
  • Explore Spark/Hadoop applications, ecosystem, and architecture
  • Learn collaborative filtering in PySpark
  • Recognize the distinction between synchronous and asynchronous requests
  • Understand MongoDB CRUD, query operators, projection operators, and update operators
  • Build APIs for CRUD operations in MongoDB through Django


This course is designed for absolute beginners who want to create intelligent solutions, study with actual data, and enjoy learning theory and then putting it into practice. Data scientists, machine learning experts, and drop shippers will all benefit from this training.

A basic understanding of programming, HTML tags, Python, SQL, and Node JS is required. However, no prior knowledge of data scraping, and Scala is needed.

About The Author

AI Sciences: AI Sciences are experts, PhDs, and artificial intelligence practitioners, including computer science, machine learning, and Statistics. Some work in big companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, KPMG, BCG, and IBM.

AI sciences produce a series of courses dedicated to beginners and newcomers on techniques and methods of machine learning, statistics, artificial intelligence, and data science. They aim to help those who wish to understand techniques more easily and start with less theory and less extended reading. Today, they publish more comprehensive courses on specific topics for wider audiences.

Their courses have successfully helped more than 100,000 students master AI and data science.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Part 1 - Data Scraping and Data Mining for Beginners to Pro with Python
    1. Why Data Scraping
    2. Applications of Data Scraping
    3. Introduction of Instructor
    4. Introduction to Course, Scraping, Tools
    5. Projects Overview for Data Scraping and Data Mining
  2. Chapter 2 : Requests
    1. Introduction to Python Requests
    2. Hands-On with Requests
    3. Extracting Quotes Manually
    4. Quiz (Extracting Authors)
    5. Solution (Extracting Authors)
    6. Pagination
    7. Quiz (Extracting Author and Quotes)
    8. Solution 01 (Extracting Author and Quotes)
    9. Solution 02 (Extracting Author and Quotes)
    10. Ajax Requests
    11. Ajax Requests for Cricinfo
    12. Ajax Requests Pagination
    13. Quiz (Extracting Top Stats from Cricinfo)
    14. Solution 01 (Extracting Top Stats from Cricinfo)
    15. Solution 02 (Extracting Top Stats from Cricinfo)
  3. Chapter 3 : Beautiful Soup 4 (BS4)
    1. Introduction to BS4
    2. Quiz (Difference Between Requests and BS4)
    3. Solution (Difference Between Requests and BS4)
    4. Hands-On with BS4
    5. Extracting Data from Tree
    6. Extracting Quotes from the Website
    7. Quiz (Extracting Author Names)
    8. Solution (Extracting Author Names)
    9. Attributes of Tags in BS4
    10. Multi-Valued Attributes of Tags in BS4
    11. Scraping Movie Names from IMDB
    12. Quiz (Getting the Ratings, Year, and Name of the Movie)
    13. Solution 01 (Getting the Ratings, Year, and Name of the Movie)
    14. Solution 02 (Getting the Ratings, Year, and Name of the Movie)
    15. Scraping Time, Genre, and Releasing Date from IMDB 01
    16. Scraping Time, Genre, and Releasing Date from IMDB 02
    17. Combining Two Requests Data for IMDB
    18. Movies Recommender System (Creating Movie URL)
    19. Movies Recommender System (Creating Director URL)
    20. Movies Recommender System Using BS4 (Getting Top Four Movies)
    21. Movies Recommender System Using BS4 (Merge All Requests Together)
  4. Chapter 4 : CSS Selectors
    1. Introduction to CSS Selectors
    2. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Tags)
    3. Quiz (Tags)
    4. Solution (Tags)
    5. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Descendants, ID, Class)
    6. Quiz (Descendants)
    7. Solution (Descendants)
    8. Quiz (ID)
    9. Solution (ID)
    10. Solution (Class) Part 1
    11. Solution (Class) Part 2
    12. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Nested Tags, ID Tags, Class Tags)
    13. Quiz (Class with Tag)
    14. Solution (Class with Tag)
    15. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Comma Separator, Universal Selectors
    16. Quiz (Combining Two Selectors)
    17. Solution (Combining Two Selectors)
    18. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Sibling Notations and Direct Child)
    19. Quiz (Adjacent Sibling)
    20. Solution (Adjacent Sibling)
    21. Quiz (General Sibling)
    22. Solution (General Sibling)
    23. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Child Selectors)
    24. Quiz (First Child)
    25. Solution (First Child)
    26. Quiz (Only Child)
    27. Solution (Only Child)
    28. Quiz (Last Child)
    29. Solution (Last Child)
    30. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Negations, Attributes)
    31. Quiz (Negation)
    32. Solution (Negation)
    33. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Attributes, Attributes Values)
    34. Quiz (Attributes Values)
    35. Solution (Attributes Values)
    36. CSS Selectors Hands-On (Attributes Wild Cards Values)
    37. Quiz (Attributes Wild Card)
    38. Solution (Attributes Wild Card)
  5. Chapter 5 : Scrapy
    1. Introduction to Scrapy
    2. Comparison of Scrapy and Requests
    3. Scrapy at a Glance Documentation
    4. Getting Started with Scrapy
    5. Running Documentation Spider 1
    6. Running Documentation Spider 2
    7. Writing Spider from the Scratch
    8. Understanding the Response (URL, Status)
    9. Understanding the Response (Headers)
    10. Understanding the Response (Values in Headers)
    11. Understanding the Response (Body)
    12. Understanding the Response (Request)
    13. Understanding the Response (Meta)
    14. Understanding the Response (flags, certificate, ip_address, copy)
    15. Understanding the Response (replace, urljoin, follow, follow_all)
    16. Response CSS and Scrapy Shell
    17. Extracting quotes with Scrapy
    18. Understanding Nested Selectors
    19. Extracting the Author and Quotes
    20. Checking for Next Page
    21. Checking for Next Page in Spider
    22. Checking for Next Page URL
    23. Scraping Quotes from Next Pages
    24. Exporting Extracted Data
    25. Quiz (Get the Tags)
    26. Solution (Get the Tags)
    27. Next Website
    28. CSS Selectors for Movie Names and URLs
    29. Combined CSS Selectors for Movie Names and URLs
    30. Sent Request to the Film Info Page
    31. Merge Data from Two Callbacks
    32. Extracting Movie Duration and Genres
    33. Exporting the Extracted Data
    34. Quiz (Extracting the Year)
    35. Solution (Extracting the Year)
    36. Getting Director Name and URL
    37. Getting Top Four Movies of Directors
    38. Extracting Data Anomaly (dont_filter Flag)
  6. Chapter 6 : Scrapy Project
    1. Hugo Boss Website for Scraping
    2. Understanding Site Structure
    3. Writing CSS Selectors for Listings
    4. Listings in Scrapy Shell
    5. Sending Request to Listings URLs
    6. Extracting Products URL from the Listings
    7. Sending Requests to Products of the Listings
    8. Writing CSS to Get the Product Info
    9. Getting the Bigger Images of the Product
    10. Checking Next Page URL
    11. Adding Pagination to Spider and Running It
    12. Output of the Spider
  7. Chapter 7 : Selenium
    1. Introduction to Selenium
    2. Getting Started with Selenium
    3. Configuring the Webdriver
    4. Extracting Quotes with Selenium
    5. Extracting Quotes and Author Names
    6. Quiz (Extracting Quotes)
    7. Solution (Extracting Quotes)
    8. Clicking on Button
    9. Pagination and Extracting Data
    10. Exception Handling for Unavailable Element
    11. Navigating the Website for Login
    12. Quiz (Login and Extract Quote)
    13. Solution (Login and Extract Quote)
  8. Chapter 8 : Project Selenium
    1. Overview of Project
    2. Closing the Cookie Button
    3. Setting the Language for Translation
    4. Sending the Text for Translation
    5. Downloading the Translation
    6. Reading Data from File for Translation
  9. Chapter 9 : Part 2 - Scala and Spark - Master Big Data with Scala and Spark
    1. Why Scala
    2. Scala Applications
    3. About the Instructor
    4. Introduction to Scala and Spark Section
    5. Projects Overview for Scala and Spark
  10. Chapter 10 : Scala Overview
    1. What is Scala
    2. Scala Setup (Local Machine)
    3. Scala Setup (Online)
    4. Variables in Scala
    5. Arithmetic Operations on Variables-1
    6. Arithmetic Operations on Variables-2
    7. Quiz (Arithmetic Operations)
    8. Solution (Arithmetic Operations)
    9. Quiz (Strings)
    10. Solution (Strings)
    11. Type Casting
    12. Taking Input from User
    13. Quiz (User Input and Type Casting)
    14. Solution (User Input and Type Casting)
  11. Chapter 11 : Flow Control
    1. Overview of Control Statements
    2. If Else Statements
    3. Conditions in If
    4. Quiz (If Statement)
    5. Solution (If Statement)
    6. Nested If Else
    7. Quiz (Nested If Else)
    8. Solution (Nested If Else)
    9. Logical Operators
    10. Quiz (Logical Operators)
    11. Solution (Logical Operators)
    12. If Else If
    13. Quiz (If Else If)
    14. Solution (If Else If)
    15. Overview of Loops
    16. Overview of While Loop
    17. While Loop
    18. Quiz (While Loop)
    19. Solution 1 (While Loop)
    20. Solution 2 (While Loop)
    21. Do While Loop
    22. For Loop
    23. Quiz 1 (For Loop)
    24. Solution 1 (For Loop)
    25. Quiz 2 (For Loop)
    26. Solution 2 (For Loop)
    27. Break
    28. Break Fix
    29. Project Overview for Flow control
    30. Project Solution Design
    31. Project Solution Code 1
    32. Project Solution Code 2
    33. Project Solution Code 3
    34. Project Solution Code 4
  12. Chapter 12 : Functions
    1. Overview of Functions
    2. Writing Addition Function
    3. Quiz (Basic Function)
    4. Solution (Basic Function)
    5. Functions Common Issues
    6. Named Arguments
    7. Quiz (String Concatenation Function)
    8. Solution (String Concatenation Function)
    9. Quiz (Dividing Code in Functions)
    10. Solution (Dividing Code in Functions)
    11. Default Arguments
    12. Quiz (Default Arguments)
    13. Solution (Default Arguments)
    14. Anonymous Functions
    15. Quiz (Anonymous Functions)
    16. Solution (Anonymous Functions)
    17. Scopes
    18. Project Overview for Functions
    19. Checking Credentials
    20. Prompting the menu
    21. Basic Functions
    22. Breaking Code in More Functions
    23. Final Run (Functions)
  13. Chapter 13 : Classes
    1. Introduction to Classes
    2. Creating Class
    3. Class Constructor
    4. Functions and Classes
    5. Project Overview for Classes
    6. Basic Structure
    7. Final Run
  14. Chapter 14 : Data Structures
    1. Introduction of Data Structures
    2. Lists Introduction
    3. Lists Create and Delete Elements
    4. Lists Take
    5. ListBuffer Introduction
    6. Add Data in ListBuffer
    7. Remove Data from ListBuffer
    8. Take Data from ListBuffer
    9. Project Overview for Data Structures
    10. Project Architecture Discussion
    11. Project Architecture Implementation
    12. User Input for Objects
    13. Implementing the Control Flow
    14. Creating Required Functions Inside Class
    15. Overview of Maps
    16. Creating Maps
    17. Check Key in Map
    18. Update Value in Map
    19. Add and Remove Items from Maps
    20. Iterating on Maps
    21. Project Overview for Data Structures
    22. Project Architecture for Data Structures
    23. Project Structure Code
    24. Using Maps for Word Count
    25. Final Run
    26. Sets Overview
    27. Add and Remove Item from the Set
    28. Set Operations
    29. Overview of Stack
    30. Push and Pop in Stack
    31. Stack Attributes
    32. Project Overview
    33. Project Architecture
    34. Extra Closing Bracket Use Case
    35. Extra Starting Bracket Use Case
  15. Chapter 15 : Project for Scala and Spark
    1. Project Introduction
    2. Why Spark
    3. Hadoop Ecosystem
    4. Spark Architecture
    5. Spark Ecosystem
    6. DataBricks Account
    7. Setting up DataBricks Cluster
    8. Spark Local Setup
    9. Spark Hadoop Setup
    10. Spark RDDs
    11. Spark RDDs (textFile, collect)
    12. Spark Local Run
    13. Understanding Map
    14. Understanding Flat Map
    15. Understanding Reduce by Key
    16. Word Count Example
    17. Spark DFs
    18. Spark DF Read Data
    19. Spark Print Schema, Select
    20. Spark GroupBy
    21. Spark DF Write
    22. Creating S3 Bucket
    23. Creating Database in RDS
    24. Performing ETL
  16. Chapter 16 : Part 3 - PySpark and AWS - Master Big Data with PySpark and AWS
    1. Why Big Data
    2. Applications of PySpark
    3. Introduction to Instructor
    4. Introduction to Course
    5. Projects Overview
  17. Chapter 17 : Introduction to Hadoop, Spark Ecosystems and Architectures
    1. Why Spark
    2. Hadoop Ecosystem
    3. Spark Architecture and Ecosystem
    4. DataBricks Signup
    5. Create DataBricks Notebook
    6. Download Spark and Dependencies
    7. Java Setup on Windows
    8. Python Setup on Windows
    9. Spark Setup on Windows
    10. Hadoop Setup on Windows
    11. Running Spark on Windows
    12. Java Download on MAC
    13. Installing JDK on MAC
    14. Setting Java Home on MAC
    15. Java check on MAC
    16. Installing Python on MAC
    17. Set Up Spark on MAC
  18. Chapter 18 : Spark RDDs
    1. Spark RDDs Introduction
    2. Creating Spark RDD
    3. Running Spark Code Locally
    4. RDD Map (Lambda)
    5. RDD Map (Simple Function)
    6. Quiz (Map)
    7. Solution 1 (Map)
    8. Solution 2 (Map)
    9. RDD FlatMap
    10. RDD Filter
    11. Quiz (Filter)
    12. Solution (Filter)
    13. RDD Distinct
    14. RDD GroupByKey
    15. RDD ReduceByKey
    16. Quiz (Word Count) with Spark RDDs
    17. Solution (Word Count) with Spark RDDs
    18. RDD (Count and CountByValue)
    19. RDD (saveAsTextFile)
    20. RDD (Partition)
    21. Finding Average-1
    22. Finding Average-2
    23. Quiz (Average)
    24. Solution (Average)
    25. Finding Min and Max
    26. Quiz (Min and Max)
    27. Solution (Min and Max)
    28. Project Overview for Spark RDDs
    29. Total Students
    30. Total Marks by Male and Female Student
    31. Total Passed and Failed Students
    32. Total Enrolments Per Course
    33. Total Marks Per Course
    34. Average Marks Per Course
    35. Finding Minimum and Maximum Marks
    36. Average Age of Male and Female Students
  19. Chapter 19 : Spark DFs
    1. Introduction to Spark DFs
    2. Creating Spark DFs
    3. Spark Infer Schema
    4. Spark Provide Schema
    5. Create DF from RDD
    6. Rectifying the Error
    7. Select DF Columns
    8. Spark DF withColumn
    9. Spark DF withColumnRenamed and Alias
    10. Spark DF Filter Rows
    11. Quiz (select, withColumn, filter)
    12. Solution (select, withColumn, filter)
    13. Spark DF (Count, Distinct, Duplicate)
    14. Quiz (Distinct, Duplicate)
    15. Solution (Distinct, Duplicate)
    16. Spark DF (sort, orderBy)
    17. Quiz (sort, orderBy)
    18. Solution (sort, orderBy)
    19. Spark DF (Group By)
    20. Spark DF (Group By - Multiple Columns and Aggregations)
    21. Spark DF (Group By -Visualization)
    22. Spark DF (Group By - Filtering)
    23. Quiz (Group By)
    24. Solution (Group By)
    25. Quiz (Word Count) with Spark DFs
    26. Solution (Word Count) with Spark DFs
    27. Spark DF (UDFs)
    28. Quiz (UDFs)
    29. Solution (UDFs)
    30. Solution (Cache and Persist)
    31. Spark DF (DF to RDD)
    32. Spark DF (Spark SQL)
    33. Spark DF (Write DF)
    34. Project Overview
    35. Project (Count and Select)
    36. Project (Group By)
    37. Project (Group By, Aggregations, and Order By)
    38. Project (Filtering)
    39. Project (UDF and WithColumn)
    40. Project (Write)
  20. Chapter 20 : Collaborative Filtering
    1. Introduction to Collaborative Filtering
    2. Utility Matrix
    3. Explicit and Implicit Ratings
    4. Expected Results
    5. Dataset
    6. Joining Dataframes
    7. Train and Test Data
    8. ALS Model
    9. Hyperparameter Tuning and Cross Validation
    10. Best Model and Evaluate Predictions
    11. Recommendations
  21. Chapter 21 : Spark Streaming
    1. Introduction to Spark Streaming
    2. Spark Streaming with RDD
    3. Spark Streaming Context
    4. Spark Streaming Reading Data
    5. Spark Streaming Cluster Restart
    6. Spark Streaming RDD Transformations
    7. Spark Streaming DF
    8. Spark Streaming Display
    9. Spark Streaming DF Aggregations
  22. Chapter 22 : ETL Pipeline
    1. Introduction to ETL
    2. ETL Pipeline Flow
    3. Dataset with ETL Pipeline
    4. Extracting Data
    5. Transforming Data
    6. Loading Data (Creating RDS-I)
    7. Load Data (Creating RDS-II)
    8. RDS Networking
    9. Downloading Postgres
    10. Installing Postgres
    11. Connect to RDS Through PgAdmin
    12. Loading Data
  23. Chapter 23 : Project - Change Data Capture / Replication On Going
    1. Introduction to Project
    2. Project Architecture
    3. Creating RDS MySQL Instance
    4. Creating S3 Bucket
    5. Creating DMS Source Endpoint
    6. Creating DMS Destination Endpoint
    7. Creating DMS Instance
    8. MySQL WorkBench
    9. Connecting with RDS and Dumping Data
    10. Querying RDS
    11. DMS Full Load
    12. DMS Replication Ongoing
    13. Stopping Instances
    14. Glue Job (Full Load)
    15. Glue Job (Change Capture)
    16. Glue Job (CDC)
    17. Creating Lambda Function and Adding Trigger
    18. Checking Trigger
    19. Getting S3 File Name in Lambda
    20. Creating Glue Job
    21. Adding Invoke for Glue Job
    22. Testing Invoke
    23. Writing Glue Shell Job
    24. Full Load Pipeline
    25. Change Data Capture Pipeline
  24. Chapter 24 : Part 4 - MongoDB-Mastering MongoDB for Beginners (Theory and Projects)
    1. Why MongoDB
    2. Applications of MongoDB
    3. Instructor Introduction
    4. What's Inside
    5. Methodology
    6. Project
  25. Chapter 25 : Overview
    1. SQL Schema
    2. NoSQL Schema
    3. Installing MongoDB
    4. Setting Environment Variable
    5. Analogies
  26. Chapter 26 : Basic Mongo Operations
    1. Basic Database commands Part 1
    2. Basic Database commands Part 2
    3. Basic Collection Commands
    4. Introduction to Module
    5. Create Document (Single)
    6. Create Documents (Many)
    7. Quiz (Create Documents)
    8. Solution (Create Documents)
    9. Quiz (Create Document)
    10. Solution (Create Document)
    11. Outro
  27. Chapter 27 : Basic Update Operation
    1. Introduction
    2. Update Documents (Single Filter)
    3. Update Documents
    4. Quiz 1 (Update Operation)
    5. Solution 1 (Update Operation)
    6. Quiz 2 (Update Operation)
    7. Solution 2.1 (Update Operation)
    8. Solution 2.2 (Update Operation)
    9. Outro
  28. Chapter 28 : Basic Read Operation
    1. Introduction
    2. Read Documents
    3. Quiz 1 (Read Documents)
    4. Solution 1 (Read Documents)
    5. Quiz 2 (Read Documents)
    6. Solution 2 (Read Documents)
    7. Outro
  29. Chapter 29 : Basic Delete Operation
    1. Introduction
    2. Delete Document
    3. Quiz 1 (Delete Operation)
    4. Solution 1 (Delete Operation)
    5. Quiz 2 (Delete Operation)
    6. Solution 2 (Delete Operation)
    7. Outro
  30. Chapter 30 : Query and projection operators
    1. Module Introduction
    2. $eq Operator
    3. $gt Operator
    4. $lt Operator
    5. $in Operator
    6. $ne Operator
    7. $nin operator
    8. $and Operator
    9. $or Operator
    10. $not Operator
    11. $exists Operator
    12. $types Operator
    13. $expr Operator
    14. $mod Operator
    15. $text Operator
    16. $all Operator
    17. $elemMatch Operator
    18. $size Operator
    19. $ Operator
    20. $slice Operator
    21. Quiz ($eq)
    22. Solution ($eq)
    23. Quiz ($gt)
    24. Solution ($gt)
    25. Quiz ($gte)
    26. Solution ($gte)
    27. Quiz ($in)
    28. Solution ($in)
    29. Quiz ($lt)
    30. Solution ($lt)
    31. Quiz ($lte)
    32. Solution ($lte) Part F10401
    33. Solution ($lte)
    34. Quiz ($ne)
    35. Solution ($ne)
    36. Quiz ($nin)
    37. Solution ($nin) Part 1
    38. Solution ($nin) Part 2
    39. Solution ($nin) Part 3
    40. Quiz ($and)
    41. Solution ($and)
    42. Quiz ($or)
    43. Solution ($or) Part 1
    44. Solution ($or) Part 2
    45. Quiz ($not)
    46. Solution ($not) Part 1
    47. Solution ($not) Part 2
    48. Solution ($not) Part 3
    49. Quiz ($exists)
    50. Solution ($exists)
    51. Quiz ($expr)
    52. Solution ($expr)
    53. Quiz ($mod)
    54. Solution ($mod)
    55. Quiz ($text)
    56. Solution ($text)
    57. Quiz ($all)
    58. Solution ($all) Part 1
    59. Solution ($all) Part 2
    60. Quiz ($elemMatch)
    61. Solution ($elemMatch) Part 1
    62. Solution ($elemMatch) Part 2
    63. Quiz ($size)
    64. Solution ($size)
  31. Chapter 31 : Update Operators
    1. $currentDate Operator
    2. $inc Operator Part 1
    3. $inc Operator Part 2
    4. $min Operator
    5. $max Operator
    6. $mul Operator
    7. $rename Operator
    8. $set Operator Part 1
    9. $set Operator Part 2
    10. $unset Operator
    11. $addToSet Operator
    12. $pop Operator
    13. $pull Operator
    14. $push Operator
    15. $each Operator
    16. $position Operator
    17. $sort Operator
    18. Quiz 1 (Update Operators)
    19. Solution 1 (Update Operators) Part 1
    20. Solution 1 (Update Operators) Part 2
    21. Solution 1 (Update Operators) Part 3
    22. Solution 1 (Update Operators) Part 4
    23. Quiz 2 (Update Operators)
    24. Solution 2 (Update Operators) Part 1
    25. Solution 2 (Update Operators) Part 2
    26. Solution 2 (Update Operators) Part 3
  32. Chapter 32 : Mongo with Node
    1. Installing Node on Local Machine
    2. Installing VS Code
    3. Mongo Atlas
    4. Create Cluster on Mongo Atlas
    5. Creating User in Atlas
    6. Network Access
    7. Database and Collections
    8. Connect Node with Mongo
    9. Get Databases
    10. Insert in Mongo Using Node
    11. Read from Mongo Using Node
    12. Update in Mongo Using Node
    13. Delete from Mongo Using Node
  33. Chapter 33 : Mongo with Python
    1. PyCharm
    2. Creating Connection
    3. Insert in Mongo Using Python
    4. Read from Mongo Using Python
    5. Update in Mongo Using Python
    6. Delete in Mongo Using Python
  34. Chapter 34 : Django with Mongo
    1. Django Installation
    2. Creating App
    3. Setting Up Django with Mongo
    4. Django Migrations
    5. Django URLs and Views
    6. Django with Postman
    7. Django Get Data from Postman
    8. Insert in Mongo Using Django
    9. Read from Mongo Using Django
    10. Update in Mongo Using Django
    11. Delete in Mongo Using Django
  35. Chapter 35 : Spark with Mongo
    1. Databricks for Spark
    2. Installing Libraries
    3. Data Overview
    4. ETL

Product information

  • Title: 50 Hours of Big Data, PySpark, AWS, Scala, and Scraping
  • Author(s): AI Sciences
  • Release date: March 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781803237039