




I would like to acknowledge everyone who provided information and encouragement to move ahead with this project, including:

Jeff Amaral Stephen Les
Peter Anderson, ASC Mike Lewinsky
George Bellias Lenny Lipton
Matt Blute Leo Marini
Geoff Boyle Bettina Martin
Nick Brown Remy Menendra
Bernie Butler-Smith John & David Modell
Juan I Cabrera Cindy Ochs
Al Caudullo Catherine Owens
Barry Clark Michael Peyser
Sandy Climan Stephen Pizzo
Keith Collea Howard Postley
Karlo David Victor Sagalovsky
Gari-Ann Douglas Tim Sassoon
Dave Franks Steve Schklair
Dorothy Gardner Jon & Peter Shapiro
Ray Hannisian Jonathan Shaw, ACE
Daniel Henning Bill Taylor, ASC
Ted Kenney Vince Toto
Steve Kochones ...

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