151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff

Book description

For most businesses, attracting new employees and getting your existing employees to succeed is a never-ending task. It’s often rooted in inefficient hiring practices, misunderstood motivational techniques, inadequate training, and high employee turnover. The results: Low productivity and poor performance, leading to lower revenue, unhappy customers, and endless management headaches. Jerry Wilson’s 151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff takes the mystery out of motivating employees to achieve personal and business success.

The basic concept: Inspire your employees to create and maintain delighted repeat customers!

This book demonstrates that business owners don’t have to constantly replace employees or use artificial incentives and harsh methods to get employees to help the business succeed. Wilson shows business owners and managers how to do it themselves without the pain and suffering. And you don’t have to invent any new approaches, concepts, or buzz words to do it! Just follow some of Jerry Wilson’s 151 proven ideas and discover amazing results...fast!

Jerry Wilson has spent more than 25 years researching what his clients–businesses large and small–need to do to be successful in today’s marketplace by hiring and motivating the right employees. These powerful ideas work! Each is presented in a bite-sized package that allows instant execution. No long chapters with endless justifications, pontifications, philosophy and personal stories. Just 151 great, practical ideas any business manager and owner can use to make an immediate difference in his or business success.

Jerry Wilson is a successful businessperson, entrepreneur, professional business and marketing consultant and accomplished public speaker. He is also the author of Word of Mouth Marketing. Initially published in 1991, it was the first book focused on what is now called buzz marketing and viral marketing. It has also been published in four languages–Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian. lson has been published in Entrepreneur magazine, Success Magazine, Master Salesmanship and Personal Selling Power, among others. He lives in Indianapolis, Indiana

Table of contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Foreword
  5. How to Use This Book
  6. 1 - Work on, Not in, Your Business
  7. 2 - A Better Way to Think, Feel, and Act
  8. 3 - IASM
  9. 4 - We Care and You Matter
  10. 5 - Your Job Is All About THEM
  11. 6 - The “Why” Is What Everyone Overlooks
  12. 7 - Creating Your Magnet Story
  13. 8 - Your Job: To Sell Again and Again and Again
  14. 9 - Steal, Don’t Invent, Your Success
  15. 10 - No Man Can Serve Two Masters
  16. 11 - Teamwork
  17. 12 - Be Demanding: Setting Your Standards
  18. 13 - Turning Every Worker Into a CRM
  19. 14 - What We Expect of You
  20. 15 - Don’t Compete With Yourself
  21. 16 - Too Soon Old and Too Late Schmart
  22. 17 - Mother Teresa’s Advice
  23. 18 - 1-2-3 Is Your Job Description
  24. 19 - Answer the WHY Questions: Your Company
  25. 20 - Answer the WHY Questions: Your Employees
  26. 21 - How to Park Your Ego
  27. 22 - Own Their Head, Heart, and Soul
  28. 23 - Who Gets the Credit?
  29. 24 - Catalog and Use Those Tribal Stories
  30. 25 - If You Have Time to Lean...
  31. 26 - Roadblocks and Resources
  32. 27 - On Message: Your Brand Promise
  33. 28 - A Blinding Flash: You Are in the People Business
  34. 29 - You Will NEVER Understand People
  35. 30 - Nobody Notices Normal
  36. 31 - Critical First Impressions
  37. 32 - Hire Winners and Fire Your Losers—But Do It Right
  38. 33 - The “Must” Checklist
  39. 34 - Invest in People
  40. 35 - A Chance to Take a Chance
  41. 36 - The 3 × 5 Card System Agenda Jogger
  42. 37 - Horses and People = Breeding and Past Performance
  43. 38 - Discrimination Is Alive and Well
  44. 39 - Be a Magnet and Attract the Best
  45. 40 - Hiring Smart Means Never Selling the Job
  46. 41 - Invest in Yourself
  47. 42 - Invest in Your Team
  48. 43 - Invest in Your Customers
  49. 44 - Give ’Em a Great Reputation
  50. 45 - Can We Be Friends?
  51. 46 - Protect Yourself From Workers With “Selective Memory”
  52. 47 - Why There Is No Such Thing as “Fair” in Managing and Motivating People
  53. 48 - 3 Types of Motivation
  54. 49 - My Job Is to Sell You—YES, YOU CAN!
  55. 50 - Understanding the Role of Acceptance in Motivating Others
  56. 51 - The 3 Things That Will Create Instant Team Synergy
  57. 52 - Why Great Leaders Never Judge or Confront Their People
  58. 53 - It’s About Outcomes, Stupid!
  59. 54 - The 1 Deadly Error Managers Make When Delivering Criticism
  60. 55 - CP1 = EN1
  61. 56 - Celebrate: Turn Little Times Into Big Ones
  62. 57 - 1 Word to Master: Leadership
  63. 58 - Courage vs. Conformity
  64. 59 - To Be Effective, Do More Than “Walk the Talk”
  65. 60 - Meeting Their Needs: Create a Salad Bar
  66. 61 - Positive Models: Your Way or the Highway
  67. 62 - Your Speed = Their Speed
  68. 63 - What Is Your Role in Inspiring People in a World of Negative Messages?
  69. 64 - Don’t Be a Know-It-All
  70. 65 - Shoveling Coal and 4 Crucial Questions
  71. 66 - Your Culture Is NOT a Democracy
  72. 67 - Rules vs. Guidelines: Know the Difference
  73. 68 - You Can’t Be Fired Unless…
  74. 69 - Kill the Snake!
  75. 70 - America’s Promise: Equal Rights
  76. 71 - ASK—It Is Easierto Stay Out of Trouble
  77. 72 - Are You a Conformist?
  78. 73 - Sell Your Unique Strengths—No Layoffs
  79. 74 - Monkey See, Monkey Do
  80. 75 - Read Your Job Description
  81. 76 - Intentions Are as Important as Actions
  82. 77 - The 1 Thing You Must Do to Get Employees to Respect You
  83. 78 - The Man in the Mirror
  84. 79 - The H.E.L.M. Principle
  85. 80 - Integrity: When 2 People Know
  86. 81 - Mom, Sunday School, and a Grand Jury
  87. 82 - Faith, Failure, and Forgiveness
  88. 83 - Inside and Outside Listening Mechanisms
  89. 84 - Work ON, Not IN Your Business
  90. 85 - Boss, Heal Thyself—For You Are the Problem
  91. 86 - It Won’t Get Better With Age
  92. 87 - Facelift, Extreme Makeover—Good Getting Better
  93. 88 - How Smart People Learn
  94. 89 - Chasing Symptoms
  95. 90 - You Must Know You Don’t Know
  96. 91 - Checklists Are a Must
  97. 92 - Zero Defections and Postmortems
  98. 93 - Consistency
  99. 94 - Your Hall of Fame
  100. 95 - Your Wall of Shame
  101. 96 - The Oxen Principle
  102. 97 - Satisfaction: The Kiss of Death!
  103. 98 - Correct Your Thinking = Retraining
  104. 99 - Keyoka
  105. 100 - Your ABCs and 1,000 Little Things
  106. 101 - Green Is Growing; Red Is Rotting
  107. 102 - Teacher, Preacher, Coach, or Shrink?
  108. 103 - A Different Approach to Communication: Using “McMeetings”
  109. 104 - The Hidden Payoff in Training Events
  110. 105 - Uncle F.E.S.S.
  111. 106 - Do You Have Reasons—Or Excuses?
  112. 107 - What Is True Empowerment?
  113. 108 - MMFI
  114. 109 - Card Everyone
  115. 110 - Feel the Fear
  116. 111 - They Don’t Know How Much You Care
  117. 112 - Forget Telling: Show Them You Love Them
  118. 113 - Friendly and Firm, but Is It Fair?
  119. 114 - Little p, Big E
  120. 115 - They Must Agree: A Willing Spirit
  121. 116 - The Magic Question: What Do You Think?
  122. 117 - How to Follow the “Wise Judge Principle” in Dealing With People
  123. 118 - Your Door Is Open
  124. 119 - Weasel Words
  125. 120 - A Family Affair
  126. 121 - Your Greatest Challenge: Egocentric
  127. 122 - The Only Thing That Works When People Are Off-Track
  128. 123 - Winston’s Wisdom: Your Best Is Not Enough
  129. 124 - Fringe Benefits
  130. 125 - Retention: Annual Revenues Stink
  131. 126 - You Should Be Arrested!
  132. 127 - If They Need a Raise, Fire the Boss
  133. 128 - Correct and Move On
  134. 129 - Catch Them Being Good
  135. 130 - Focus on Behavior, Not People
  136. 131 - Get Mad
  137. 132 - Traditions
  138. 133 - I Care and You Matter to Me
  139. 134 - Caring and Sharing
  140. 135 - Old Chinese Wisdom
  141. 136 - Nothing to Hide; Hide Nothing
  142. 137 - Test Question: Am I Fairly Paid?
  143. 138 - Beware of the Seniority Trap
  144. 139 - Rank Has Its Privileges
  145. 140 - Want Loyalty? Get Yourself a Dog!
  146. 141 - Control Benefits Costs by Measuring and Monitoring P&L Creep
  147. 142 - Show Me the Money
  148. 143 - Behavior = Outcomes
  149. 144 - 1 More Time: Me to We
  150. 145 - Your Definition of Success
  151. 146 - Your Inspiration = Their Perspiration
  152. 147 - Technology Requires Investment
  153. 148 - Sort Ideas: Today, Tomorrow, and the Future
  154. 149 - How to Fire People and Have Them Say Thank You
  155. 150 - Applause: Your To-Done List
  156. 151 - Buy My Books and Use Them
  157. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: 151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff
  • Author(s): Jerry R. Wilson
  • Release date: October 2005
  • Publisher(s): Career Press
  • ISBN: 9781564148292