1 Medium. Eckhart Tolle’s most important saying: ‘Awareness is the greatest agent for change.’ https://medium.com/change-your-mind/eckhart-tolles-most-important-saying-awareness-is-the-greatest-agent-for-change-21e713d64a90 [accessed 12 October 2023]
2 iSixSigma website. https://www.isixsigma.com/ [accessed 04 October 2023]
3 Gartner. Digitalisation strategy for business transformation. https://www.gartner.com.au/en/information-technology/insights/digitalization [accessed 04 October 2023]
4 MIT. The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE): Shaping a brighter digital future. https://ide.mit.edu [accessed 04 October 2023]
5 Intelligence Resource Program. Joint Publication 1: Doctrine for the armed forces of the United States. https://irp.fas.org/doddir/dod/jp1.pdf ...
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