10X Generation: Not Another Digital Transformation

Book description

In the ever-changing business landscape, 'The 10×Generation' is a revolutionary roadmap beyond digital transformation. Authors Ady Kalra and Mary-Beth Hosking advocate for a complete organizational re-imagination, emphasizing agility and adaptability. This transformative approach challenges norms, urging readers to build something entirely new. With over 36 years of collective experience, the authors provide practical insights for continuous reinvention. 'The 10×Generation' guides readers towards a future where old rules no longer apply, fostering innovation and limitless possibilities in business excellence.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright Page
  2. Contents
  3. About the authors
  4. Foreword
  5. Preface
  6. The 10×Generation journey
  7. How do I know if this guide is for me?
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. 1: Introduction
    1. Efficiencies lost
    2. Yet another digital transformation
    3. What went wrong?
    4. To scale or not to scale
    5. 10×Generation views
  10. 2: Boarding: The operational view
    1. Startup
    2. Scaleup
    3. SMB
    4. Enterprise
  11. 3: Take-off: The tactical view
    1. Startup
    2. Scaleup
    3. SMB
    4. Enterprise
  12. 4: Cruising: The strategic view
    1. Startup
    2. Scaleup
    3. SMB
    4. Enterprise
    5. Next steps
  13. 5: The 10×Generation
    1. The challenges
  14. 6: The 10×Generation principles
    1. First principle: Empowerment
    2. Second principle: Adaptation
    3. Third principle: Assessment
    4. Fourth principle: Alignment
    5. The success triad
  15. 7: The scripts
    1. Act 1: The tragedy of a digital transformation
      1. Startup or scaleup
        1. Act 1, Scene 1: When bloat leads to silos
        2. Act 1, Scene 2: Product and technology separation anxiety
        3. Act 1, Scene 3: Don’t worry, advisers will fix it!
        4. Act 1, Scene 4: To ringfence or not to ringfence?
      2. Small-to-medium business
        1. Act 1, Scene 5: New leader, more processes, less delivery!
        2. Act 1, Scene 6: Regulating the imaginary – a journey of fictional regulations
        3. Act 1, Scene 7: Rock-solid priorities: the cost of neglecting big rocks
        4. Act 1, Scene 8: I speak for the customer
      3. Enterprise
        1. Act 1, Scene 9: Never build a house of sticks – why architecture is important
        2. Act 1, Scene 10: Shadow IT and the infamous side project
        3. Act 1, Scene 11: A body of advocates versus a murder of crows
        4. Act 1, Scene 12: Yet another digital transformation
    2. Act 2: The silent sins of scaling
      1. Startup or scaleup
        1. Act 2, Scene 1: Out-sorcery
        2. Act 2, Scene 2: Dealing with the scattergun approach
        3. Act 2, Scene 3: The MVP advantage – how to not prematurely scale
        4. Act 2, Scene 4: Demands over priorities – a balancing act
      2. Small-to-medium business
        1. Act 2, Scene 5: Short-term thinking leads to long-term problems
        2. Act 2, Scene 6: Nero fiddled while Rome burned – managing empire builders
        3. Act 2, Scene 7: The mushroom principle
        4. Act 2, Scene 8: The paradox of departmental success – breaking down the walls
      3. Enterprise
        1. Act 2, Scene 9: Too many cooks in the corporate kitchen – surviving the corporate jungle
        2. Act 2, Scene 10: Hold up, that’s not my job
        3. Act 2 Scene 11: From chaos to consistency across the enterprise
        4. Act 2, Scene 12: Resistance to cross-functional teams – the team of teams revolution
    3. Act 3: The echoes of isolation and innovation
      1. Startup or scaleup
        1. Act 3, Scene 1: When less is less
        2. Act 3, Scene 2: The art of decision-making – build vs buy
        3. Act 3, Scene 3: When is a consultant not a consultant?
        4. Act 3, Scene 4: Complexities of wearing multiple hats
      2. Small-to-medium business
        1. Act 3, Scene 5: Structured for success
        2. Act 3, Scene 6: Costs and quality are not mutually exclusive
        3. Act 3, Scene 7: Missed it by this much …
        4. Act 3, Scene 8: Acquisition alchemy – how to thrive during an acquisition process
      3. Enterprise
        1. Act 3, Scene 9: There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’
        2. Act 3, Scene 10: Determining risk appetite
        3. Act 3, Scene 11: The power of the purse – a board’s guide to budgeting for success
        4. Act 3, Scene 12: The acquirer’s playbook – winning at M&A
        5. Epilogue
  16. 8: Transforming to the 10×Generation state – embedding the principles
    1. Embedding the first principle: Empowerment
    2. Embedding the second principle: Adaptation
    3. Embedding the third principle: Assessment
    4. Embedding the fourth principle: Alignment
    5. The 10×Generation organizational design
  17. 9: Conclusion
    1. Knowing your stage
    2. When should I use this publication?
    3. Going exponential!
  18. Helping others
  19. Endnotes
  20. Index
  21. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: 10X Generation: Not Another Digital Transformation
  • Author(s): Ady Kalra, Mary-Beth Hosking
  • Release date: March 2024
  • Publisher(s): TSO (The Stationery Office)
  • ISBN: 9780117094598