Chapter 21. Say What You Mean: Concise Verbal Communication



To focus on the importance of clear and concise verbal communication. Participants will follow verbal instructions for writing the numeral 5.

Time Required

Approximately 30 minutes

Group Size

Six to thirty participants


  • Two sheets of blank paper and a pencil for each participant

  • One copy of the Say What You Mean Instruction Sheet for the facilitator

  • One sheet of blank paper and a felt-tipped marker for the facilitator

  • Flip chart for recording


  1. Prior to the session, use a felt-tipped marker to draw the numeral 5 on a sheet of paper by following Instruction Set B on the instruction sheet.

  2. Introduce the session by stating that the ability to give and follow accurate verbal instructions is an important feature of meeting customer needs. This activity is designed to help the participants focus on the importance of clear oral communication.

  3. Distribute two sheets of paper and a pencil to each participant.

  4. Explain that the participants are to use one sheet of paper to draw the “secret object” as you describe it; no questions allowed. Using the instruction sheet, read aloud Instruction Set A, pausing after each step.

  5. Direct the participants to hold up their completed pictures for everyone to view. Discuss the differences among ...

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