Chapter 11


Percents are commonly used in business to represent partial amounts of money. They’re also used in statistics to indicate a portion of a data set. Percents are closely related to decimals, which means that they’re easier to work with than fractions.

The Problems You’ll Work On

Here are a few of the types of percent problems you find in this chapter:

check.png Converting between decimals and percents

check.png Changing numbers from percents to fractions, and vice versa

check.png Calculating basic percentages

check.png Solving more difficult percent problems by setting up word equations

What to Watch Out For

In this section, I provide some tips for dealing with the percent problems you find throughout this chapter.

check.png To change a percent to a decimal, move the decimal point two places to the left and drop the percent sign.

check.png To change a decimal to a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and ...

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