
A Color, use of, 50
Acquainters, 72—74 Communication, requirements for,
Analogies, 83–84 106
Anecdotes, for openings, 32 Communication techniques, 111–22
Anger, words conveying, 40 Components of presentation, 24
Answering questions, 130–32. See Conclusion of presentation, 145
also Questions Conference sessions, 19
Anxiety. See Relaxation techniques Conference style room, 97, 99–100
Attire, planning, 155 Content of presentation, research,
Audience analysis, 5–8, 15–18 9–11
Audience body language, Contingency plans, 169–80
observation of, 117
Audience chairs, incorrect D
placement of, 160 Dance, use of, 41
Audience knowledge, 160–61 Deep breathing, 155
Audience member perspective, 31 Demonstrations, 88–89 ...

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