Steve Ghee on the future of augmented reality

The O’Reilly Hardware Podcast: AR beyond games and entertainment.

By Jon Bruner
July 6, 2016
First introduced in 1996, LandForm is a geographic augmented reality system used for search and rescue, border protection, wildlife management and other applications of aerial surveillance systems. First introduced in 1996, LandForm is a geographic augmented reality system used for search and rescue, border protection, wildlife management and other applications of aerial surveillance systems. (source: By Winged1der on Wikimedia Commons)

In this episode of the Hardware podcast, I talk with Steve Ghee, senior vice president for R&D in the office of the CTO at PTC.  The conversation took place during the LiveWorx 2016 conference, where augmented reality was a major focus—especially for the role that it can play in the Internet of Things and in the enterprise.

Discussion points:

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Learn more
  • The difference between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR): VR completely generates a new world, whereas AR adds an overlay to the real world.
  • Today’s industrial and commercial AR use cases. For instance, an AR application can show an operator how to start up a generator, replacing a 10-page manual.
  • The building blocks of a modern augmented-reality application, and the path for developers to get started with AR.
  • What to expect from the next generation of AR headsets.
  • Vuforia Studio, an authoring and publishing tool that makes it easy to create AR experiences.

This podcast episode is a collaboration between O’Reilly and ThingWorx. See our statement of editorial independence.

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Post tags: O'Reilly Hardware Podcast