Matt Stine on cloud-native architecture

The O’Reilly Programming Podcast: Applying architectural patterns and pattern languages to build systems for the cloud.

By Jeff Bleiel
November 2, 2017
Closed Small Cell Clouds in the South Pacific Closed Small Cell Clouds in the South Pacific (source: NASA)

In this episode of the O’Reilly Programming Podcast, I talk with Matt Stine, global CTO of architecture at Pivotal. He is the presenter of the O’Reilly live online training course Cloud-Native Architecture Patterns, and he has spoken about cloud-native architecture at the recent O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference and O’Reilly Security Conference.

Discussion points:

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  • The importance of creating a shared understanding of core architectural terms: “There are probably 20-30 conflicting definitions of ‘microservices’ floating around,” Stine says. “If we try to build some complicated software on top of a poor shared understanding, basically we’re all going to be confused.”
  • How patterns can make sense of an ongoing paradigm shift in software architecture: “The industry is learning quite rapidly that this ‘design thinking’ and this ‘language thinking’ is really important,” he says. “We’re taking a much more holistic view of software engineering.”
  • Stine explains six key architecture concepts that can be used as guideposts in a journey to the cloud: modularity, observability, deployability, testability, disposability, and replaceability.
  • Stine’s three principles of cloud-native security are: rotating user credentials frequently, repaving servers and applications from a known good state often, and repairing vulnerable software as soon as updates are available.
  • Other links:

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