What are the challenges in building an anomaly detection system for streaming and live data?

Learn the difference between live and streaming anomaly detection systems and how to address the challenges different data velocities pose.

By Arun Kejariwal
September 14, 2017
What are the challenges in building an anomaly detection system for streaming and live data? What are the challenges in building an anomaly detection system for streaming and live data? (source: O'Reilly)

How do you identify the “optimal” trade-off between speed and accuracy in a mission critical live data health care app? Master statistician Arun Kejariwal walks you through such conundrums in this video on the implications of velocity of data in anomaly detection systems.

Get wise to the conundrums, trade-offs, and gotchas of streaming anomaly detection in this Safari course by Arun Kejariwal that details anomaly detection history, applications, and state-of-the-art techniques.

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