Web Programming

Our take on Web technologies, tools, and methods.

A speaker’s notes

"It's time that I sit down and listen to you." Kyle Simpson is stepping back so that new and different voices can come forward. Here he offers observations and encouragement from seven years of conference talks.

The Seif project

Douglas Crockford introduces Seif, an open source project started at PayPal with the goal of transitioning the Web into an application delivery system.

Typechecking with Hack

The typechecker is one of Hack's key features. Learn what it is, how it works, and how you can put it to use in this excerpt from Hack and HHVM.

Bootstrap 4 utility classes

In my final day of examining new features in Bootstrap 4, we’ll look at a feature that isn’t glamorous, but it sure is handy. There are a zillion new and revised utility classes in Bootstrap 4, making styling more flexible and easier than ever.

Bootstrap 4 and Sass

In Day 3 of my examination of Bootstrap 4's new features and functions, we'll look at the Sass files. That's right–Bootstrap 4 has dumped LESS in favor of Sass CSS preprocessor files. The files have been completely rewritten and refactored to take advantage of Sass data structures. It's easy to make changes to a few variables and have a much different looking page.

Bootstrap 4 cards

In Day 2 of my examination of Bootstrap 4's new features and functions, we'll look at cards. Bootstrap defines these as "a flexible and extensible content container. It includes options for headers and footers, a wide variety of content, contextual background colors, and powerful display options." Cards are so powerful, they have replaced three features from Bootstrap 3, including panels, thumbnails, and wells.

Bootstrap 4 breakpoints

Bootstrap's responsive grid system grows from 4 breakpoints to 5 in the newest version, providing extra flexibility for mobile devices.