Web Programming

Our take on Web technologies, tools, and methods.

The legend of Canvas

Rich McLaughlin uses "The Legend of Zelda" to teach different game mechanics. He also covers the core topics you need to get rolling with Canvas for game or traditional web development.

Understanding the universal selector

The universal selector selects everything in your document, the same way the "wild card" selector does in Linux. However, when you include the universal selector as part of a larger complex selector, confusion sets in. How exactly does the universal selector work?

Building web apps for everyone

As web developers, we are responsible for shaping the experiences of users’ online lives. By making ethical, user-centered choices, we create a better web for everyone.

Introducing the nth-of-type pseudoclass

Part of the new CSS3 standard, the nth-of-type and nth-last-of-type pseudoclasses are a useful way to select elements on a website, such as odd or even elements, or every 3rd or 4th element. Learn how this simple selector can impact your next project.

Introducing the nth-child pseudoclass

Part of the new CSS3 standard, the nth-child and nth-last-child pseudoclasses are a useful way to select elements on a website, such as odd or even elements, or every 3rd or 4th element. Learn how this simple selector can impact your next project.

Understanding attribute selectors

Part of the CSS2 standard, and expanded in CSS3, an attribute selector selects attributes, rather than tags, in your HTML. Variations include simple, exact, partial, and beginning and ending substrings.

Shrinking growth, growing maintenance

As the core group of people needed to create and maintain a technology shrinks, will polarization occur in a job market accustomed to stratification? Simon St. Laurent explores a future where programming will become like plumbing.