Automotive security and cybersecurity science
Applying security insights gained from scientific evaluation.
Insights, tools, and best practices to keep your organization and users secure.
Applying security insights gained from scientific evaluation.
Five questions for John Bullard and Benji Taylor: Insights on the challenges faced and the tools used to achieve PCI compliance.
Learn how security can be enforced at the browser level through a combination of optimization techniques and security enhancements.
Untangling common myths about modern information security.
Five questions for Ken Lee and Kai Zhong: Insights on building Etsy's alerting framework and best practices for monitoring and alerting.
Questions to help you weigh the true value of “scientifically proven” security solutions.
Five questions for Lance Hayden: Insights on High Reliability Organizations (HRO) and resilient approaches to dealing with failure.
Chris Baker discusses Internet cartography and its implications for risk and security. He focuses on building a mental model for how we know where on the network something is, what it is, and why that is important.
Zack Tollman explores the key aspects of HTTPS to help developers to take control of their HTTPS-only sites.
Confronting the World Wide Web Consortium on the new digital rights management specification.
How to bring DevOps, security, and compliance teams together to forge a secure infrastructure for your company.
Principles of defensive configuration security.
Building security into your configuration management environment and continuous delivery workflow.
Navigating the accelerating velocity of change in DevOps.
Learn about the surprising origin of the dark net, and find out how you can patrol this not-so-secret domain to detect and thwart intruders.
How to build security in as an essential part of your workflow.
Containing risk through continuous delivery.
Brian Sletten discusses the evolution of cryptographic tools throughout history.
Safeguard your iOS apps against common security loopholes.
Brian Sletten differentiates encoding and encryption by explaining the goals and techniques of each system.
Brian Sletten explains why today's encryption technology has government authorities' attention, and is a hot topic for technology companies and the general public alike.
Kelsey Gilmore-Innis shares the essential concepts behind securing your users’ data and offers examples of how she and her team applied them to Callisto.
Build security and compliance into your DevOps platforms and pipelines by applying the same processes and tools that DevOps practitioners use to automate software delivery and infrastructure changes.
Learn where the vulnerabilities are, and how to address them.