Programming robots with ROS: Adding a software library

How to integrate an existing software library with ROS.

By Morgan Quigley, Brian Gerkey and William Smart
February 9, 2016
Sandia is developing energy-efficient actuation and drive train technologies to improve the charge life of legged robots. Sandia is developing energy-efficient actuation and drive train technologies to improve the charge life of legged robots. (source: on Flickr)

Adding a Software Library

A common step in building a robotics application is adding an existing software
library that provides an important capability. Depending on your application,
you might want to give your robot the ability to recognize certain objects,
or detect people, or (as we’ll do in this chapter) speak. There are many
good libraries (many of them open source!) out in the world implementing
such algorithms that you could use on your robot. Whenever possible, we
recommend that you try the existing libraries, especially the ones with
strong reputations for reliability and support. While it’s always tempting
to build your own, and while in some cases you may eventually end up doing so,
you’ll get going more quickly—and learn more about what exactly you need—by starting with an existing system that does most of what you want.

Many libraries that are relevant to robotics have already been
integrated with ROS, such as OpenCV, PCL, and
MoveIt. These
libraries, and the code that makes them easy to use in a ROS-based
robot, form a vital part of the overall ROS ecosystem. Much of the
value in using ROS is having ready access to the right tools for the
job, especially libraries of useful algorithms. Still, you’ll probably
find some library that you need but that hasn’t yet been integrated.

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In this chapter, we’ll discuss how to integrate an existing software
library (whether it’s one that you wrote or a third-party package) with
ROS. Between the content of this chapter and the examples provided by the
many ROS-connected libraries already available, you’ll be ready to tackle
the next integration project on your own.

Make Your Robot Talk: pyttsx

From Robbie the Robot to C3PO, we have come to expect our robots to talk
with us. While (at the time of writing) there are still some fundamental
challenges to overcome on the path to creating truly conversational
machines, giving your robot the ability to speak is easy, fun, and can even
be a handy debugging tool. Consider all those times when the robot is just
sitting there, refusing to move, and you’re wondering why. While ROS
offers great software tools for helping you to understand what’s going on
(not available), to use those tools you need to be looking a
screen, not the robot. What if the robot could talk to you, telling you
what state it’s in, what it’s waiting for, or something else?

Fortunately, following decades of research in speech synthesis, there are
now multiple text-to-speech (TTS) software packages that you can use
off the shelf, as black boxes. In this section, we’ll work with the Python
pyttsx module, which provides a unified way to interact with TTS systems
that are commonly available on various operating systems.


Our goal in this section is to explain the process of integrating with a
library like pyttsx. If you want a ready-to-use ROS node with speech
synthesis capabilities, try the sound_play package.

First, let’s make sure that we have pyttsx installed. On most systems,
sudo pip install pyttsx will do the job; for special cases, consult the pyttsx
. To make sure that it’s working properly, let’s try one of
their example programs:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pyttsx
engine = pyttsx.init()
engine.say('Sally sells seashells by the seashore.')
engine.say('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.')

Save that code to a file and run it:

user@hostname$ python

You should hear the two sentences spoken through your computer’s audio
system. If you have trouble at this step, check your speaker/headphone
connections and volume settings; after that, consult the
pyttsx documentation.

Now we have a working executable program that will speak a couple of
sentences; how should we wrap it up into a general-purpose ROS node? We
need to decide a few things:

  • What type of topic/service/action interface will the node provide?

  • What parameters should be exposed?

  • How will we integrate the ROS event loop with the pyttsx event loop?

We start by defining the action interface that we’ll use to interact with
our node.

Action Interface

Because the act of converting text to speech takes time—possibly many
seconds for long sentences—it’s a good candidate for an action
server (see not available). That way, we can send goals (what we
want to say), get notification when they’ve been said, and even cancel
a sentence that is in progress.

Let’s decide on the message type that will be received as a goal by our
pyttsx node. As always, we should first consider using an existing
message, especially if it’s already being used by a similar node. In this
case, the most similar example is the sound_play/ node,
which subscribes to messages of type
But that message has a surprisingly large number of fields and flags. The
complexity of the message comes from the fact that the
sound_play/ node does more than just text-to-speech (and
that it’s somewhat specific to the PR2 robot). We could use that message
type, but it’s overkill for our application.

So, we’ll design our own goal message type. We know that we need it to
contain a string field that will be the sentence to be spoken. Let’s
start with that, then add more fields later as needed. Similarly, we can
leave the feedback and result empty, because this node won’t have that much
status to report. Example 1-1 shows the action definition, also available in the
action directory of the basics package (refer back to not available for
help with .action file syntax).

Example 1-1. Talk.action
# The sentence to be spoken
string sentence
# No result content needed
# No feedback content needed

With the action interface settled, we need to decide what kinds of
configuration we should offer.


Consulting the pyttsx documentation, we see that we can change various settings, such as the volume and rate of speech, and the
voice that is used. Those settings are all good candidates for parameters,
which the user can set when launching the node (see not available).

Let’s start by exposing the volume and rate of speech, because we can
reasonably expect that a user might want to modify them. That’s what
parameters are for: the knobs that you expect users will want to be able to adjust easily
and/or frequently, without modifying any code. For each parameter, we need
to decide its data type and its default value (i.e., what we will do if the
user doesn’t set a value). In our case, the easiest thing is to just mirror
how the volume and rate parameters are used in the underlying pyttsx library:

volume (float32)

Floating point volume in the range of 0.0 to 1.0
inclusive. Defaults to 1.0.

rate (int32)

Integer speech rate in words per minute. Defaults to
200 words per minute.

We should also add a parameter to control whether the node will preempt a
sentence that is currently being spoken when a new sentence is received.
Interrupting the speaker might not be the nicest thing from a
user interaction point of view, but it’s a good capability to have, and we
want the developer to have control over that behavior. Our new parameter

preempt (bool)

Whether to preempt in-progress speech in response to a new goal. Defaults to false.

Now we know what the external interface to our node will look like, both
for control (action server) and configuration (parameters). Next we will
determine how to design the internal structure of the node to bridge between
the pyttsx library and the rospy library.

Event Loops

A common issue when integrating an existing software library into a ROS
node is how to manage event loops. Often, the library will have its own
way to manage execution and may even want you to give up control of your
main() function. Every situation will be a little different, but it’s often the
case that you’ll need to separate the library’s event loop into its own
thread. That’s usually easy enough, but it’s also important to ensure that
the event loop can be properly and safely stopped at the right time.

For the pyttsx node, we’ll create a separate thread for its event loop,
and we’ll structure that thread in such a way that we can reliably shut it
down. Here’s the code for that thread:

    def loop(self):
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

In this thread, we check whether it’s time to shut down in between repeated
calls to the library’s iterate() function, which causes the event loop to
turn over once, processing the next event. We could instead call the
library’s startLoop() function with the argument True, which enters an
internal processing loop, but then we would need to have the right
machinery in another thread to call endLoop() at the right time.

While the details of this interaction are specific to the pyttsx library,
the underlying characteristics are shared by many libraries. For example,
it’s common to see both the “endless loop” call (startLoop(True) in the
case of pyttsx, or ros::spin() in the case of roscpp) and the “do one
loop” call (iterate() in the case of pyttsx, or ros::spinOnce() in
the case of roscpp). The right way to use the library’s event mechanisms
will depend on how they work and your requirements.

Having decided on the action interface, parameters, and event loop
structure, we’re ready to write our pyttsx action server node.

The Speech Server

Example 1-2 shows the code for a full speech synthesis node. Don’t worry
if it looks intimidating; we’re going to step through each part of the program.

Example 1-2.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy
import threading, time, pyttsx
import actionlib
from basics.msg import TalkAction, TalkGoal, TalkResult

class TalkNode():

    def __init__(self, node_name, action_name):
        self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(action_name, TalkAction,
          self.do_talk, False)
        self.engine = pyttsx.init()
        self.engine_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop)
        self.engine.setProperty('volume', rospy.get_param('~volume', 1.0))
        self.engine.setProperty('rate', rospy.get_param('~rate', 200.0))
        self.preempt = rospy.get_param('~preempt', False)

    def loop(self):
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():

    def do_talk(self, goal):
        while self.engine.isBusy():
            if self.preempt and self.server.is_preempt_requested():
                while self.engine.isBusy():
                self.server.set_preempted(TalkResult(), "Talk preempted")
        self.server.set_succeeded(TalkResult(), "Talk completed successfully")

talker = TalkNode('speaker', 'speak')

Let’s look at the code piece by piece. First we do some standard imports,
including the Talk action message types that we’ll need and the pyttsx
module. We also import the standard threading module, which we’ll need
to manage the event loop thread:

import rospy
import threading, time, pyttsx
import actionlib
from basics.msg import TalkAction, TalkGoal, TalkResult

Next we create a class, TalkNode, which will make it easier (or at least
cleaner) to store some state about the node, including the speech engine.
In the constructor, we initialize the node, create the action server,
initialize the speech engine, then create and start the thread that will
run the event loop:

class TalkNode():

    def __init__(self, node_name, action_name):
        self.server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(action_name, TalkAction,
          self.do_talk, False)
        self.engine = pyttsx.init()
        self.engine_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop)

Now it’s time to handle parameters, then start the action server. The
volume and rate parameters get passed directly to the library; we’ll
keep the preempt parameter for ourselves:

        self.engine.setProperty('volume', rospy.get_param('~volume', 1.0))
        self.engine.setProperty('rate', rospy.get_param('~rate', 200.0))
        self.preempt = rospy.get_param('~preempt', False)

A leading tilde character in a parameter name, such as ~volume, indicates that the parameter is private to the node, which means that it will be stored in and retrieved from the node’s namespace, as opposed to its parent namespace (which is the default). It is good practice to keep parameters local to the node using them whenever possible. If our node is named speaker, then the volume parameter will be stored in the parameter server as /speaker/volume (unless the node is itself pushed down into a namespace, in which case the parameter name would be further

We already went over the code for the loop() function that runs in a
separate thread. Let’s look at the code for the goal callback,
do_talk(). On receipt of a new goal, which is a sentence, we pass the
sentence to the speech engine:

    def do_talk(self, goal):

Having asked the speech engine to say the sentence, we need to monitor it
for completion. Also, if preempt was set, we need to check for a
preemption request. If the current goal is to be preempted, then we call
stop() on the engine, followed by a second loop to wait for confirmation
that it’s stopped, and finally a report back to clients that the preemption
was accomplished. Otherwise, when the speech engine has finished saying
the sentence, we report that success:

        while self.engine.isBusy():
            if self.preempt and self.server.is_preempt_requested():
                while self.engine.isBusy():
                self.server.set_preempted(TalkResult(), "Talk preempted")
        self.server.set_succeeded(TalkResult(), "Talk completed successfully")

Now that we have an action server that will accept commands to make the
robot talk, we need to write an action client that will exercise it.

The Speech Client

A ROS node that activates the speech server is straightforward to write.
Example 1-3 shows the code for a simple client program that tells the
server to say “hello world” a few times.

Example 1-3.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import rospy

import actionlib
from basics.msg import TalkAction, TalkGoal, TalkResult

client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('speak', TalkAction)
goal = TalkGoal()
goal.sentence = "hello world, hello world, hello world, hello world"
print('[Result] State: %d'%(client.get_state()))
print('[Result] Status: %s'%(client.get_goal_status_text()))

In this program, following the usual initialization, we create an action
client of the appropriate type, send a sentence as a goal, then wait for
completion. That’s the beauty of using an action server: we’ve wrapped up
the non trivial behavior of synthesizing speech in an interface where we can
just send it a string of words, then wait to be told that it’s done executing.
We’ve written the code; now it’s time to test it.

Checking That Everything Works as Expected

Let’s verify that our speech server and client work as intended. Open a
new terminal, and start up roscore. In another terminal, start the server:

user@hostname$ rosrun basics

In a third terminal, start the client:

user@hostname$ rosrun basics

You should hear the words “hello world” repeated a few times. Let’s try
out those parameters. Stop the server, then run it again with a lower
volume setting:

user@hostname$ rosrun basics _volume:=0.5

Now run the client again, and you should hear the same words, but quieter.
You can adjust the rate of speech in the same way. You can also
experiment with the effect of the preempt parameter: try running the
server with _preempt:=true, then run two instances of the client, each in
a separate terminal. You should hear the speech begin on behalf of the
first client, then be interrupted and start again on behalf of the second
client (the effect will be more noticeable if you modify the second client
to send a different string).


In this chapter, we discussed how to integrate an existing software library
into a ROS system, which is often called for when building a robotics
application. We worked with the relatively simple example of a
text-to-speech system that has just one kind of input (the text to be
spoken), but the basic elements apply equally well to other libraries:
decide on the appropriate data types, and develop an interface (in this case
an action interface); decide on the parameters that will be
accepted; and decide how to integrate the library’s event loop with your

Even this relatively simple example resulted in a useful node that could be
deployed straight away on a robot (as long as the robot has speakers). The
node could, of course, be improved and extended in a number of ways, from
exposing more configuration of the speech engine (e.g., which voice is
being used), to delivering detailed feedback to clients (e.g., notification
of each word having been said). There’s almost always more that could
be exposed, and the art is in deciding what to leave out.

In the past few chapters, we’ve presented examples and discussed patterns for adding devices, robots, and capabilities to ROS. The ease with which the platform can be stretched and extended to cover new use cases is a key feature of ROS—but each new feature brings complexity, and writing good robot software is a challenging task to begin with. With that challenge in mind, the next few chapters will introduce some important tools and techniques that will help you to become an efficient and effective ROS developer.

Post topics: Software Engineering