From big data to fast data
Designing application architectures for real-time decisions.
Insights, practical guidance, and announcements from O'Reilly
Designing application architectures for real-time decisions.
Streaming architectures for data sets that never end.
Facilitating data exchange across the enterprise.
A Start-to-finish example with Angular and Typescript.
Experience mapping helps organizations see themselves from the outside in, rather than the inside out.
The O’Reilly Programming Podcast: The Java module system and the “start of a new era.”
The classic “write once, run everywhere” principle comes to life in streaming data.
Finding anomalies in time series using neural networks.
TensorFlow Lite enriches the mobile experience.
When and how to test your application for open source vulnerabilities.
Exploring many small regions of a graph with low latency using specialized graph and multi-model databases.
RISE Lab’s Ray platform adds libraries for reinforcement learning and hyperparameter tuning.