Rhymes with “iconic”

A wave of ironic O'Reilly parody covers offers a very funny twist on O'Reilly's iconic Animal Books.

April 4, 2016
Cat from the "Blaming the User" parody cover. Cat from the "Blaming the User" parody cover. (source: Via Practical Developer (@ThePracticalDev) on Twitter)

Now that April Fool’s Day is safely past, we can’t resist sharing some of our favorite O’Reilly parody covers—because why should all the funny happen on just one day?

In case you’re wondering, O’Reilly doesn’t have anything to do with these. We’re admirers just like everyone else.

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Have you seen other O’Reilly parodies? Let us know about them. Use the hashtag #ironicOReilly on Twitter or drop us a line.

And since we’re talking about covers, you should also check out “A Short History of the O’Reilly Animals.”














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