How do I use the set_intersection algorithm in C++?

Learn how to handle array comparisons using the set_intersection algorithm in C++.

By Jason Turner
February 3, 2017
Screenshot from "How do I use the set_intersection algorithm in C++?" Screenshot from "How do I use the set_intersection algorithm in C++?" (source: O'Reilly)

Using algorithms, C++ developers can shrink their code to just a few lines in cases where complicated loops would otherwise be required. In this video, Jason Turner explains where the set_intersection algorithm can be employed to handle array comparisons. Following along in Compiler Explorer, intermediate C++ developers will walk away with an expanded algorithm toolkit, having learned the best practices associated with set_intersection.

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Jason Turner is a Microsoft MVP certified trainer backed by over 12 years of experience as a C++ developer. An active member of the C++ community who has spoken at CppCon and C++Now, Jason is the ongoing co-host of of CppCast, a podcast for C++ developers. Jason is also the co-creator and maintainer of the embedded C++ scripting language, ChaiScript, and the author and curator of the collaborative coding standards document, C++ Best Practices.

Post topics: Software Engineering
Post tags: Questions