How do I use layers in Figma to manage the complexity of a document?

Learn about Figma's layers area – where you control individual objects, images, and text – and avoid making overly complex Figma documents.

By Andy Anderson
September 12, 2017
How do I use layers in Figma to manage the complexity of a document? How do I use layers in Figma to manage the complexity of a document? (source: O'Reilly)

Figma documents can become overly complex, because they typically contain a dense combination of images, objects, and text. In this video, Andy Anderson shows you how to combat complexity by using Layers, the tool that gives you bloat-reducing control over individual objects, images, and text.

Pick up all of Figma’s prototyping tricks, techniques, and processes in design pro Andy Anderson’s fun and fascinating Figma basics course from Safari.

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