How do I use an API?

Learn how to use different types of application programming interfaces (APIs).

By Kevin Bowersox
May 18, 2017
Screen from "How do I use an API?" Screen from "How do I use an API?" (source: O'Reilly)

In this video, software developer Kevin Bowersox defines the primary concept of application programming interface (API) usage to demonstrate how developers can programmatically interact with external applications. He then delves into the basics of using the various types of APIs by introducing users to languages, libraries, and frameworks; Web APIs, and operating system APIs.

Dive deeper into APIs with our Designing Web APIs Learning Path. With the growing use of mobile devices, software-as-a-service, and the Internet of Things, APIs have become a critical part of a company’s digital strategy, allowing businesses to share capabilities and data, build community, and foster innovation.

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