How do I create a Kudu table via SQL?

Learn how to use Impala’s SQL analytics layer to create a Kudu table.

By Ryan Bosshart
April 10, 2017
Screen from "How do I create a Kudu table via SQL?" Screen from "How do I create a Kudu table via SQL?" (source: O'Reilly)

Apache Impala is an open source distributed SQL query engine made for the Hadoop ecosystem, that integrates seamlessly with Kudu. In this video, Ryan Bosshart demonstrates how to use Impala’s lightning-fast SQL analytics layer on top of Kudu. All that is needed to follow along is access to the Kudu Quickstart VM. Beginner architects, developers, and data engineers will be able to:

  • Create a Kudu table with SQL.
  • Understand basic Impala-Kudu commands.

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Take your Kudu skills to the next level with the full course, Basic Kudu Installation, API Usage, and SQL Integration.

Ryan Bosshart is a Principal Systems Engineer at Cloudera, where he leads a specialized team focused on Hadoop ecosystem storage technologies such as HDFS, Hbase, and Kudu. An architect and builder of large-scale distributed systems since 2006, Ryan is co-chair of the Twin Cities Spark and Hadoop User Group. He speaks about Hadoop technologies at conferences throughout North America and holds a degree in computer science from Augsburg College.

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