Does it take more than a press release to get game journalists interested in a game?

Learn where to draw the line when sending swag to the journalists and influencers that you want to cover your video game.

By Jason Imms
June 5, 2017
Screen from "Does it take more than a press release to get game journalists interested in a game?" Screen from "Does it take more than a press release to get game journalists interested in a game?" (source: O'Reilly)

Promotional items can be a powerful way to get a game to stand out, but how much is too much? Video game journalist Jason Imms explains what promo items are okay to send, how to assess when and if it’s appropriate to send freebies, and whether to send save files to help with coverage.

Learn more about marketing your game to get the attention of journalists and influencers, raise money and attention through crowdfunding, and capture the interest of the gamers you are targeting.

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Post tags: Questions