
CSS: The Missing Manual

Errata for CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released.

The following errata were submitted by our customers and have not yet been approved or disproved by the author or editor. They solely represent the opinion of the customer.

Color Key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted by Date submitted
Printed, PDF, ePub Page epub-940
last step of tutorial in chapter 13

This is actually in the downloaded tutorial files. The supplied file 13/css.sty uses the selector "header nav ul" to specify the margin for the navigation bar, so the selector "nav ul" in the tutorial does not change it.

In the supplied finished class.sty, the selector "nav ul" is used earlier, so the added rule works as claimed in the text.

Bill Mitchell  May 03, 2013 
Printed, PDF, ePub Page tutorial 15 files
hats.html or styles.css

With the style, the finished page makes it impossible to view the bottom of the bottom row of pictures when the browser height is small enough that the scroll bar appears (this on Safari, but I believe it would be generally true). I fixed it by adding a 24px bottom padding to the gallery.

Bill MItchell  May 03, 2013 
Printed Page 6
<meta> tag in code

The <meta> tag for the XHTML template code is incorrect as it has an extraneous quotation mark embedded in it.

It currently reads:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset="utf-8" />

It should read:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Eric Harrs  Jun 27, 2010 
Other Digital Version 7/15

I'm reading it in iPhone. I can't see "script" because the script line hides in right margen. And I can't scew it. I can see it using "zoom option"...but...II,o III capture, the letter auments triple. I tried changiing "options" < "margen"...etc...but the section of Script always hide in right side. ?What can I do? Thank you!

MasahriroIpn  Oct 19, 2009 
Printed Page 11


Anonymous  Sep 22, 2013 
Printed Page 19
Page 19 last paragraph

The error by Emma for page 19 is not in my Fully Revised 2nd printed edition ISBN: 978-0-596-80244-8

Jon  Oct 17, 2010 
Printed Page 25

On page 25:

"The tutorials in this book (page 143) are a good example, ..."

There is nothing on page 143 about numbered lists.

Anonymous  Oct 05, 2010 
Printed Page 26
2nd paragraph

paragraph reads: "...use the <div> and <span> tags (see page 26)."
Since this paragraph is on page 26, I think the more appropriate reference is page 22, where <div> and <span> were discussed first.

Anonymous  Jan 05, 2011 
Printed Page 27
bottom paragraph, next to last line

I just downloaded the tutorial files from

The folder labeled 01_HTML_templates contains four files named for four main doctypes, as the book says. When I opened these files, however, they were blank.

I opened several files at random from other downloaded folders. They seem fine, so I don't believe there is a problem at my end.

I hope you can restore these basic HTML files, as I really want to study them. Or can you email them to me?

From what I've read in the book so far, it seems top notch. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from it.


Anonymous  Oct 17, 2010 
Printed Page 39
1st paragraph

Link to is broken. The same link is also on page 10, the second paragraph from the bottom of the page. The page is only an advertising placeholder now. Where can I find the tutorial files now? I purchased the book new on Amazon July 2017, last week.

Anonymous  Jul 30, 2017 
Printed Page 42
1st paragraph

Above the bolded text which shows what the code I added should look like, the code reads "<title> Basic Web page </title>". Back on page 40, in Step 1, that portion of the code reads "<title> CSS:The Missing Manual -- Chapter 2 </title>". I don't
understand how the <title> portion of the code could have changed between Step 1 and Step 6. I cannot find anything in the intervening steps of the tutorial which tells me to change the title.

Anonymous  Apr 08, 2010 
Printed Page 42
third line from the top

There's a space missing directly after "CSS:" in the code between the <title> tags. A space does exist in Figure 2-3 on pg. 43, where the resulting web-page for this sample code is shown.

Wendy Higgins  Aug 02, 2012 
Printed Page 43
Step 2 at bottom of page

The last attribute of the body (i.e., "padding-top: 100px;") is in a different place in the tutorial file "02_finished/main.css" downloaded from on 24 June 2010.

flash gordon p  Jun 24, 2010 
Printed Page 47
2nd paragraph

the line below on page 47, under 16.

<p class="intro">

"You don't have to add a period before the word intro.."

should be changed to:

"You don't add a period before the word intro..."

This will not work: <p class=".intro">

The phrase "don't have to" suggests that the '.' will work but is not necessary when in fact the superfluous '.' is an error.

Anonymous  Oct 06, 2010 
Printed Page 53
2nd paragraph

Paragraph after the Note box in the las 3 lines reading "... You can also apply class formatting to only part of a paragraph or heading by adding a <span> tag, as described in the box below."
There is no box below. Should it read Box in Page 54 Titled Gem in Rough - Divs abd Spans?

Kayed Sinnugrot  Feb 21, 2011 
Printed Page 55
Power User Clinic - 2nd bullet, right column.

"This link points directly to an element with the ID of #R on the page index.html."

The ID is just "R"

I believe it should read...

"This link points directly to an element with the ID of 'R' on the page index.html."

Shawn Englerth
Web Architect
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

shawn englerth  Jan 20, 2011 
Printed Page 57
1st paragraph, and following

The author has used the adjective 'descendent' instead of the noun 'descendant' when talking about descendant selectors.

I thought it might be an American usage (I'm British) but the online American dictionaries seem to agree. So does the W3C ( Section 5.5).

I'm only up to page 60 but enjoying the book so far. Great work.

Alan Olrog  Dec 09, 2010 
Printed Page 59
Last line and Figure 3-5

Your example is intended to show how one group of links can receive font properties by virtue of having a different ancestor tag than other links on the same screen.

But the links appearing in the cutaway screenshot do not illustrate the value specified in the declaration block of the style appearing just above this screenshot. The links are shown as a serifed font in both instances but ought to appear in the Arial typeface ( a sans-serif typeface ) for the second, UL instance.

A very small point, but one, perhaps, that might cause some confusion.

So far, this book is EXCELLENT. Thank you very much for writing it.

Erik Gloor  Mar 24, 2010 
Printed Page 62
Last line

I think the semi-colon is missing after the rule in p.tip:before { content: "HOT TIP!" }

Carole Williams  Apr 17, 2010 
Printed Page 64
end of 4th paragraph of Power User's Clinic

link no longer exists.

Anonymous  May 09, 2012 
Printed Page 67
In the last paragraph of the "Frequently Asked Question" box.

To format a nested list, instead of "ul.mainList > li > ul > li" it should read "ul.mainList > li + ul > li". An angle bracket (>) was used instead of a plus sign (+), meaning the css code won't work.

David Smallwood  Apr 17, 2010 
Printed Page 69
After 3rd paragraph, at end of longest CSS snippet

Unnecessary semi-colon after the closing bracket

Carole  Apr 17, 2010 
Printed Page 73
paragraph numbered 3

selector_basics.html file exercise:
The code given for border-top: 2px solid #86A100; does not seem to work.
It seems to need the style as well and the following works:

border-top-style: solid;
border-top: 2px, #86A100;

Jon  Oct 17, 2010 
PDF Page 90
Figure 5-4

The specificity of the 'p.intro' style is stated as 10. I think it should be 11.

It says in Figure 5-3...

"Each type of selector has a different value, and when multiple selector types appear in one style ? for example the descendent selector #banner p?the values of all the selectors used are added up."

'p.intro' has a tag selector (1 point) and a class selector (10 points) which gives an overall value of 11!

Conversely the text of Figure 5-4 would be correct if the 'p.intro' style was changed to just '.intro'.

Anonymous  Mar 17, 2010 
Printed Page 91
In the "Note" on the bottom of the page on the second line

The line reads in part:

... like descendent selectors (page 54).

Descendent selectors are actually documented on page 58.

R Samuel Klatchko  Jul 07, 2012 
Printed Page 95
last point

As a general rule background colors of elements aren't inherited.
I applied background color to body tag and it got inherited by paragraph and other elements.

Anonymous  May 08, 2015 
Printed Page 97, 98
Last two lines on p.97 and 2nd para. p.98

The two-line style sheet given at the bottom of page 97 is meant to have its lines transposed in the example on page 98 to illustrate the effect of ?Last Style Wins?. However, it is identical, and so are the author?s comments: red wins in both cases.

Alan Olrog  Dec 07, 2010 
PDF Page 100
Figure 5-4

In the last five lines, "...The solution: Make the .intro class more specific by adding the ID before it - #sidebar p.intro - as in the bottom example", there's no p in the rule. The correct rule is: #sidebar intro { ... }, just as shown in the bottom example.

Anonymous  Apr 20, 2012 
Printed Page 109
1st paragraph

In the code for the descendent selector. It's states to use code #main.intro. While you really need to use code #main .intro. A space is needed between main and .intro

Anonymous  Apr 23, 2010 
Printed Page 118
first "tip"

This fairly pedestrian error is not one that fits in any of the provided categories: it's a 404 error.

Only in this case, the 404 applies to the whole site. It looks like has gone the way of all flesh. does not contain a copy of the page either...

David House  Jul 04, 2010 
Printed Page 123
First complete paragraph

Above the line that begins with "For example", in the sentence stating "A percentage value is just an em multiplied by 100:" the printed book shows "5em is 50 percent". This should read "5em is 500 percent". The logic is that each 1em is equal to 100 percent, thus 5 times 1em must therefore be 5 times 100 percent.

Anonymous  Nov 23, 2009 
Printed Page 131
last word of page

(You'll learn more about percentages and how they work with the width of elements of page 121.)

I don't think the author means "121". The percentages spoken about on that page have nothing to do with the width of elements. I suggest "164".

Scott Briefer  Jul 08, 2010 
Printed Page 134
Figure 6-10 caption

The penultimate word in the caption should be ?roman?, not ?greek?.

Alan Olrog  Dec 09, 2010 
Printed Page 137
Tip Section on Top

As reported by Victor Rodriguez and confirmed by the author, the link to "Bullet Madness" is broken. That said, it can still be found thanks to and their "Internet Archive Wayback Machine."

For the time being, you can find "Bullet Madness" at this link:

Until the actual files are removed from the net, this should work.

The page is dated June 21, 2008 and is the last on the list at (*/

Collin Burton  Feb 17, 2010 
Printed Page 140

There is a missing property in body style(no bg color or bg image). I compared mine with finished version when I noticed mine had no background coloring. Fixed it by copy/paste from finished code.

Anonymous  Apr 06, 2010 
Printed Page 141
Step 5

The text says 'Click after the closing brace of the h1 tag'. I think it should be 'Click after the closing brace of the h1 style', or 'the #main h1 style'.

Alan Olrog  Dec 28, 2010 
Printed Page 145
Last paragraph

In response to the already posted errata-description of page 145 by kim kristianson, you replied:

In addition, the p:first-line style overrides the #main .byline anyway, because the :first-line pseudo-element is more SPECIFIC (it applies directly to the first line of a paragraph.)

I believe your respons is not accurate, because the .byline class also directly applies to that paragraph. So #main .byline is more specific than p:first-line style and so #main .byline overrides p:first-line style. I have checked this by simply giving the #main .byline the color red and in IE8 and Firefox the color of the fonts goes red.

Anonymous  Oct 28, 2010 
PDF Page 145
1st paragraph, 1st line

Sentence reads "You want it stand out" .. sentence is missing a "to" . Should read "You want it to stand out.."

Kevin  Feb 28, 2012 
PDF Page 146
End of code block under #3.

The margin-left value for #main .byline strong is 5 px, while the 06_finished version has
margin-left: 11px.
This gives different results comparing the two when you are done.

stevenpinkham  Mar 01, 2010 
PDF Page 146
Last code box

Earlier on page 140, we are told to type in:
body {
color: #002D4B;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 62.5%;

When re-listed to add the background property, color and font size rules are switched. Should match the 1st order given for clarity.

body {
font-size: 62.5%;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: #002D4B;

stevenpinkham  Mar 01, 2010 
Printed Page 153
last paragraph, last sentence

Extraneous comma skews the meaning of the sentence. Currently says:

"Padding adds space between the content, and the border..."

Should say:

"Padding adds space between the content and the border..."

Peter Meyers
Peter Meyers
May 20, 2010 
Printed Page 155
Second paragraph

You mention as a way to remember the order for listing values in short-hand declarations as remembering to avoid TRouBLe ( Top, Right, Bottom, Left).

It seems clear to me that whomever devised this system had the face of a clock in mind. Top is 12, right is 3, bottom is 6 and left is 9. One can remember the order by thinking about a clock's hands in motion around the clock face in a clockwise fashion.

A small and humble observation.

Your book is terrific and I'm enjoying it immensely. Thank you for providing this invaluable resource.

Erik Gloor  Mar 26, 2010 
Printed Page 156
2nd and 3rd paragraphs

2nd graf: fig ref should be: "Figure 7-4, top"
3rd graf: fig ref should be: "Figure 7-4, bottom"

Peter Meyers
Peter Meyers
May 20, 2010 
Printed Page 157
Fig 7-4 caption

2nd graf (begins: "Top: Whenever..."). Either change "(like the <h2> tag..." to "(like the <h1> tag..." or change the callout in the fig from "<h1>" to "<h2>"

Peter Meyers
Peter Meyers
May 20, 2010 
Printed Page 176

The explanation is just vice versa

Alex  Mar 13, 2010 
Printed Page 182
United States

Under "Formatting the Headings and Paragraphs" step 1, it says to add the ".main h1 {" after the body tag selector but the previous example was an html tag selector, not a body tag selector.

Shannon  Mar 08, 2014 
PDF Page 197
"Note" Section

The reference to page 311 in the Note Section should refer to page 331.

Shane Mackey  May 05, 2010 
Printed Page 203-209
#6 Save and close...tag <img src="../ before images/grass.jpg will not bring in image

<img src="images/grass.jpg" alt="Apartment Grass" width="200" height="200" class="figure"> removed ../ on all instructions to bring in all photos to the gallery whether in html source or in book notation.
After a few tries it was simply beautiful!

Maria  Dec 13, 2010 
Printed Page 208
top, in step 3

Step three in the tutorial has us add a descendent class selector to format the captions for the images using ".figure p". However, the external style sheet already has a descendent ID selector "#gallery p". As the following paragraph explains, this overrides the style added in the tutorial. I'm guessing these lines were supposed to be cut from the external style before is was available for download:
#gallery .figure p {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 1.1em;
text-align: center;
line-height: normal;
/* margin: 0; */

Jonathan Gabel  Jan 21, 2011 
Printed Page 211-212
#2 url(drop_shadow.gif) in image folder so url(images/drop_shadow.gif) right bottom no-repeat;}

#2 url(drop_shadow.gif) in image folder so url(images/drop_shadow.gif) right bottom no-repeat;} then on 212 on the #3 positioning properties for left-5px; try instead right-5px; as posted on page 211 instruction #2

Maria  Dec 13, 2010 
Printed Page 214
Step 4

I tried this line of code and it produced a white block down the entire page over the text and the blue from the top was erased and after inputting the further code, the hand wasn't visible.
How do you fix this problem?

Anonymous  Mar 02, 2011 
Printed Page 216
Step 5 (line 4)

The correction posted by Amy Blassing and noted by the Author or Editor for page 216 contradicts both Figure 8-5 on page 195 and the W3C CSS 2.1 Specification.

Figure 8-5 on page 195: "The order in which you specify the keywords doesn't matter - top center and center top both have the same effect.

W3C CSS 2.1 Specification: If at least one value is not a keyword, then the first value represents the horizontal position and the second represents the vertical position.

Because both values are keywords both page 195 and 216 are correct and the correction submitted is wrong. Blassing refers to a tip page 234. This tip follows a paragraph describing placement using values other than keywords. In the context of values other than keywords, the tip is valid. However, it does not apply when both values are keywords as on page 216.

Confirmed Errata submitted by Amy Blassing:
Printed Page 216
Step 5 (line 4) reads "background-position: top left;"
The line should read "background-position: left top;" The TIP on the top of page 234 explains why. "Tip: In positioning background images, the first value is the horizontal placement (left to right); the second is vertical placement (top to bottom)."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 216, step 5, 4th line of code should read
background-position: left top;

Amy Blassing

NLB  Jun 17, 2010 
PDF Page 216
1st paragraph last sentence under Replacing Borders with Graphics

Line reads "In this part of the tutorial, you'll replace the underline below each <h2> tag in the main text area with a custom graphic.

This is confusing because there is no underline for that class to replace. Sentence could read something like "In this part of the tutorial, you'll add a custom graphic that looks like a hand drawn line to each <h2> tag in the main text area."

Kevin  Mar 20, 2012 
Printed Page 263
Step 4, line 5, "Features" (this is an additional occurance of the incorrect word)

Text reads "...selector to highlight the Features link" but should read "...selector to highlight the Home link".

Amy Blassing  Dec 29, 2009 
Printed Page 263
paragraph 3.

says "Features link" rather than "index Link"

Anonymous  Mar 03, 2011 
Printed Page 266
Last sentence

Last sentence should refer to horizontal nav bars, not vertical.

Ric Leedom  Feb 12, 2010 
Printed Page 275
3rd paragraph, 1st line

Second sentence of paragraph, web should be Web

Carole  Apr 22, 2010 
Printed Page 277
First paragraph under heading "Styling Rows and Columns"

Text reads: "By alternating the appearance of every other row of data ..."

Actually, every *other* row has the same formatting and is therefore not alternating. I would suggest the following instead:

"By alternating the appearance of adjacent rows of data..."

Anonymous  Jan 19, 2011 
Printed Page 284
In the .label style rules, in #3

In the last rule, a semi-colon should be a colon. margin-right; 15px; should be margin-right: 15px;

Carole  Apr 22, 2010 
Printed Page 287
#6, last #inventory rule

The last rule is not indented to the same spot as the preceding rules.

Carole  Apr 22, 2010 
PDF Page 292
Step 5

Step 5 says repeat step 5, when it should say repeat step 4.

Anonymous  Dec 29, 2009 
Printed Page 294
step 11

Setting the font family for the select menu works in Firefox 3.6, but seems to have no effect in Chrome 5.0.307.9 and Safari 4.0.4

Allan Kinnaird  Feb 23, 2010 
Printed Page 314

"9-9" should read 9-8

Barry Mark  Mar 31, 2013 
Printed Page 315
2nd paragraph under "Floating All Columns"

"If the total width of all the columns is *less* than the space available...then the last column drops down below the others."

Should read "more" instead of "less".

Anonymous  Apr 25, 2010 
Printed Page 326
last paragraph

"Use the "easy clearing method." . . . You must add THREE different styles to your style sheet: One applies to Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer 8, and other modern browsers; another style applies to IE7 and earlier. The whole shebang looks like this: "

The book then goes on to list a ".clear:after" style rule and a ".clear" style rule. That is only TWO style rules, not THREE. Then the book goes on to read on page 327 . . .

"The last two styles make IE 5, 6, and 7 'have layout' as described in the box on page 338."

So is there really a third style rule for the "easy clearing method" or are there really only two style rules for this method?

Adreana Langston  Apr 07, 2010 
Printed Page 349
2. and 3.

In list numbers 2. and 3. the author says for #news to float: right; and for #nav to float: left; when it should be the opposite, like it is in the finished demonstration files.

Luckily I don't have any hair or I would have lost a few on that one. :}


Anonymous  Jan 05, 2011 
Printed Page 357
Figure 13-1, bottom example, verbiage contained by box relatively positioned

The second sentence ends "... moves it down and over from where its original position."

I'm sure what was intended was something like "... moves it down and over from its original position."


"... moves it down and over from where its original position was."

Erik Gloor  Apr 02, 2010 
Printed Page 378
Step 1 under Removing Backgrounds and Adjusting the Layout

The following coding was left out:

.warning {
padding-left: 0;
background: white;

Anonymous  Jul 26, 2010 
Printed Page 379
style rules below 1st paragraph

Currently, the style for #main contains two rules:
margin-left: 190px;
margin-top: 110px;

Margin-left is set because there is a fixed sidebar on the left.
Margin-right is set because there is a fixed sidebar on the right.

Shouldn't margin-bottom also be set since the footer has a fixed position?

Jeff Tash  Mar 02, 2012 
Printed Page 380

The tutorial called "Positioning Page Elements," which starts on this page, uses a file in folder 13 called "index.html." This file, in both the uncompleted, tutorial version, AND in the finished version, doesn't view correctly in IE8. In IE, the web page has a gray background that covers almost the whole page, and bisects the banner.

I checked the finished version because I thought I must have corrupted the code somehow in doing the tutorial to cause that.

The only part of the page that is white is the text part of the banner ("CosmoFarmer 2.0") and a small section at the far right end of the banner. Very weird. I cannot figure out why it is doing that.

I also use Firefox, and it looks fine there.

Super, super book.

Sally Davis  Dec 29, 2009 
Printed Page 380

Re: the errata reported previously - both the unfinished (tutorial) version of the "index.html" file and the finished version for Tutorial 13 display a gray background in IE8.

I was able to fix the problem by inserting "background-color: #FFFFFF" in the "body" style in the external style sheet. Dreamweaver argued with me a little, insisting that was the default color, but I just insisted back. :-)

I'm not certain that would be a real fix, or if the problem lies elsewhere. I searched through both style sheets (internal and external) and couldn't find that particular color used anywhere on anything.


Sally Davis  Dec 29, 2009 
Printed Page 382
last paragraph, last sentence

Sentence: When you mouse over the navigation bar, the logo

The next paragraph is Number 7 of the tutorial.

What comes after the end of the quoted sentence???

Michael L. Hayes  Dec 12, 2012 
Printed Page 384
last line

The download code shows width="200", which also wants to be removed

Allan Kinnaird  Feb 27, 2010 
Printed Page 407
Instruction #4

The stylesheet already linked to in `print.html` is `main.css`, not `global.css`. The reference in the subsequent paragraph is correct.

Tim  Dec 26, 2009 
Printed Page 410
Step 5

A selector is missing from the style. Without the descendant selector " #banner #logo ", a border in color #6F3BA4 will print around three sides of the logo. This occurs because the background color for the logo shows through the transparent portion of the PNG. This occurs if background printing is enabled in Firefox, Safari, and IE 8. If background printing is not enabled, you do not need any of the selectors.

The style should read: html, body, #banner, #footerWrapper, #banner #logo {
background: #FFF;

NLB  Jun 26, 2010 
Printed Page 426
2nd line of code (appears midway down the page)

As noted in an earlier errata submission, there is no HTML element called "variable". Change to "var".

Jeff Tash  Mar 04, 2012 
Printed Page 480
Example in "right" section

The example given for the "right" property is printed as:
Example: left: 5em;

This is incorrect because this is an example for the "right" property. It should be:
Example: right: 5em;

Anonymous  Jul 26, 2013 
ePub Page 4768

Border radius for the all the elliptical values is formatted incorrectly for two values. It should be formatted as 40px / 20px; NOT40px/20px;
And the same goes for all the other border values with two values (elliptical corners).

Anonymous  Jul 13, 2013