The Animal Menagerie
What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.
Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.
Programming Python
African Rock Python
Introduction to Machine Learning with Python
Alleghany Hellbender Salamander
Data Wrangling with Python
Blue-Lipped Tree Lizard
Programming Computer Vision with Python
Bullhead Fish
Architecture Patterns with Python
Burmese Python
Python Programming On Win32
Caiman Crocodile
Python for DevOps
Carpet Python
Test-Driven Development with Python
Cashmier Goat
Test-Driven Development with Python
Cashmier Goat
Python for Algorithmic Trading
Common Barred Grass Snake
Bioinformatics Programming Using Python
Common Rat, aka Brown Rat
Financial Theory with Python
Crowned Moon Snake
Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python
Cuban Solenodon
Blueprints for Text Analytics Using Python
Desert Saw Viper
Python for Geospatial Data Analysis
Diamond Python
MongoDB and Python
Dwarf Mongoose, Kusimanse
Python & XML
Elephant Shrew, crouching
Building Recommendation Systems in Python and JAX
European Goldfinch
Python for Excel
False Coral Snake
High Performance Python
Fer-de-Lance (snake)