The Animal Menagerie

What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.

Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.

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Learning Apache Drill

Mandrill (monkey, primate)

Supercharged JavaScript Graphics

Maned Sheep (aka Barbary sheep)

Learning XSLT

Marabou Stork

Learning Ray

Marbled Electric Ray

Java Threads

Marine Invertebrate, aka Jellyfish

Optimizing Java

Markhor Goat

Learning Algorithms

Maryland Blue Crab

Safe C++

Merlin, bird

Oracle PL/SQL for DBAs

Methona Butterfly 2

Python Data Science Handbook

Mexican Beaded Lizard

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming

Middle Spotted Woodpecker

Genomics in the Cloud

Milk-Spotted Pufferfish


Mimic Butterfly