The Animal Menagerie

What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.

Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.

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Even Faster Web Sites

Blackbuck Antelope

Perl & LWP

Blesbok (African antelope)


Blood Pheasant

Switching to VoIP

Blue and Gold Macaws

Cloud Native Transformation

Blue Clipper Butterfly

Azure Cookbook

Blue Grosbeak (bird)

Planning for IPv6

Blue Jay in flight

Designing with Sound

Blue Rock Thrush (blue)

XML and InDesign

Blue Swimming Crab

Full Stack Serverless

Blue Tang (fish)

Learning TensorFlow

Blue Tilapia (fish)

Geolocation in iOS

Blue Wildebeest, aka Brindled Gnu

Cloud Native Java

Blue-eared Kingfisher (bird)

Practical Time Series Analysis

Blue-faced Leceister Sheep