The Animal Menagerie

What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.

Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.

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Security Warrior

Warriors, Group

Living Clojure

Water Rail (bird)

Continuous API Management

Welsh Shepherd (dog)

Discussing Design

Western Bluebird

Fundamentals of Data Visualization

Western Rosella Parakeet

Sinatra: Up and Running

Whip-Poor-Will, bird

Java I/O

White Rabbit

DevOps with OpenShift

White-bellied Parrot (bird) aka Green-thighed Parrot

JavaScript with Promises

White-crested Helmetshrike (bird)

Football Analytics with Python & R

White-crested Laughing Thrush

Learning Google Analytics

White-footed Sportive Lemur

Collaborative Product Design

White-Handed Gibbons

DNS on Windows Server 2003

White-Necked Raven