The Animal Menagerie

What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.

Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.

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Going GAS

Spotted Thick-knee (bird)

JDBC Pocket Reference

Springbok (one)

Python Cookbook

Springhaas, aka spring hare

Creating HTML5 Animations with Flash and Wallaby

Springhare, or Western Brush Wallaby

Beginning NFC

Squirrel Monkey

jQuery Mobile

Squirrel Treefrog aka Treetoad

C# Essentials

Star-nosed Mole

Knative Cookbook

Steller's Eider (duck)

Getting Started with GEO, CouchDB, and Node.js

Stickleback Fish, Fifteen-Spine

Go Cookbook

Stoat (weasel)

Modern PHP

Straw-necked Ibis (bird)

Designing for Emerging Technologies

Striped Burrfish aka Swell Burrfish