The Animal Menagerie

What’s that animal on the front of your O’Reilly book? You’ll find it listed here.

Learn more about our animal magnetism in A short history of the O’Reilly animals.

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CSS Fonts


CSS Text


Learning Virtual Reality

Salvin's Prion (bird)

Modern Java Recipes

Sambar (deer)

Python and AWS Cookbook

Sand Grouse, bird

What Is Node?

Sanderling (bird)

Learning XNA 4.0

Sapphirine Gurnard Fish

Learning XNA 3.0

Sapphirine Gurnard Fish

Learning SPARQL

Sargassumfish Frogfish, aka Anglerfish

Juniper QFX5100 Series

Satin Bower Bird

Learning OpenCV 3

Saturnia Pyri Moth

Effective Monitoring and Alerting

Sawfish Shark, maybe Longtooth