James Taylor

Apache Phoenix: The evolution of a relational database layer over Hbase

Date: This event took place live on June 25 2015

Presented by: James Taylor

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

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This webcast will begin by giving a "State of the Union" of Apache Phoenix, a relational database layer on top of HBase for low latency applications, with a brief overview of new and existing features. Next, the approach for transaction support, a work in-progress will be discussed. Lastly, the current means of integrating with the rest of the Hadoop ecosystem will be examined, including the vision for how this will evolve going forward.

About James Taylor

James Taylor is an architect at Salesforce.com in the Big Data Group. He founded the Apache Phoenix project and leads its on-going development efforts. Prior to working at Salesforce.com, James worked at BEA Systems on projects such as a federated query processing system and an event driven programming platform and has worked at various other start-ups in the computer industry over the past 20 years.

Twitter: @jamesplusplus
Website: The Apache Software Foundation

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