Reviews by Ziv Kitaro

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Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann

Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann

Ziv's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 7, 2011 Ziv Kitaro wrote: Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann
Gamification is the term used to described the game-like experience some product use. Foursquare is a check-in service, but it has an overlay of game experience and that is what makes it so addictive. In this Video Master class, Gabe Zichermann (authors of "Game-Based Marketing") takes the viewers through the stages needed to do the same with their product. Full Review >

Facebook: The Missing Manual

Facebook: The Missing Manual

Ziv's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Apr 21, 2011 Ziv Kitaro wrote: ‫Facebook: The Missing Manual – Your map to the facebook universe‬
The third edition of the book brings a vast amount of information. as someone who lives within the Facebook ecosystem I found a few things I never did bother to learn myself — like how to set people as family members. Full Review >

Crap Detection 101: How to Distinguish Good and Bad Information Online

Crap Detection 101: How to Distinguish Good and Bad Information Online

Ziv's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 16, 2011 Ziv Kitaro wrote: Crap Detection 101: How to Distinguish Good and Bad Information Online
We are at a point where not only do we have hundred of different ways to consume information, we also have to deal with way too many sources that are less than credible. Full Review >

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The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide (Now in Color!)

Shawn Day wrote:
The Science of Fun
This wonderful book combines a theory of Lego building that is presented in satisfying detail… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0