Reviews by Yousuf Tafhim

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Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann

Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann

Yousuf's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 29, 2011 Yousuf Tafhim wrote: Gamification Master Class with Gabe Zichermann
At first, I was somewhat skeptic about the master class videos, whether it would be good enough to watch it or would it be that I have made a wrong decision and have to write a review to just get it done. Though, I’m familiar with the apps that use… Full Review >

Developing Applications for the Cloud on the Microsoft® Windows Azure™ Platform

Developing Applications for the Cloud on the Microsoft® Windows Azure™ Platform

Yousuf's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Apr 13, 2011 Yousuf Tafhim wrote: Book Review: Developing Applications for the Cloud on the Microsoft® Windows Azure™ Platform
This book is the second volume in the series about Windows Azure technology. The first one can be found here. This book shows how one can create a multi-tenant, Software as a Service (SaaS) application, from scratch, using Windows Azure. This book is mainly for architects, developers (intermediate or advanced)… Full Review >

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Offline Mobile Web Applications in HTML5

Abirami Sivaramakrishnan wrote:
Offline mobile web applications in HTML5
In this great video by OReilly, Brett McLaughlin and David Griffiths walk us through in… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0