Reviews by William Rouck

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Head First HTML5 Programming

Head First HTML5 Programming

Building Web Apps with JavaScript

William's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 21, 2013 William Rouck wrote: Good HTML5 Book, Will Leave You With Relevant Knowledge
Head First HTML5 is a good book on HTML5, and by the end you will have a good familiarity with HTML5’s core components. The example projects worked through in the book are good and relevant. For example Chapter Five introduces location awareness and uses Google’s geolocation tools to show the location of your device and later even maps it using Google Maps. Full Review >

Practical Packet Analysis

Practical Packet Analysis

Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems

William's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 27, 2012 William Rouck wrote: Well-written book on network analysis with free tools
Author Chris Sanders, a security consultant and researcher, delivers an outstanding plain-language book that serves two purposes: teaching the reader about network architecture, and applying that knowledge for real-world network analysis using the open-source tool Wireshark. Full Review >

Programming Microsoft® ASP.NET 4

Programming Microsoft® ASP.NET 4

William's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 5, 2011 William Rouck wrote: Review of Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 by Dino Esposito; Microsoft Press
Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 is an advanced book that gives a complete overview of the ASP.NET 4 architecture. If you are an administrator of a business-critical Web application (or plan to be one) using the Microsoft suite of server and Web services tools, this book will provide a good and complete understanding of system internals you will need. If you are new to the ASP.NET architecture and applications, look for something a bit more basic first. Full Review >

SQL Pocket Guide

SQL Pocket Guide

A Guide to SQL Usage

William's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Mar 21, 2011 William Rouck wrote: Review of SQL Pocket Guide, authored by by Jonathan Gennick
SQL Pocket Guide is a very sensible deskside reference for developers and database administrators. If you are experienced in SQL and can use occasional refreshers on commands and syntax, this is the perfect helper book for you. Full Review >

Head First Python

Head First Python

A Brain-Friendly Guide

William's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Feb 18, 2011 William Rouck wrote: Excellent start to Python and easy to read
Head First Python is an excellent intro to the language. The book's teaching method keeps the pages turning, and by the end you will have built apps on three platforms (PC, Android, Web). You will also have good familiarity with Python's bundled editor and command interface. Full Review >

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Featured Review

The Myths of Innovation

Clarke Ching wrote:
Myths of Innovation
I found it hard, when I first tried reading this book, to warm to it.… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0