Reviews by Vinubalaji Gopal

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Mastering Vim

Mastering Vim

Understanding Vim's Lesser-Known Features for More Effective Editing

Vinubalaji's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 15, 2014 Vinubalaji Gopal wrote:
Being a fan of Vim, I had always tried to learn new tricks whenever I had time. Being able to enhance my skills to use the tool in a more efficient manner (Vim) was always a welcome bonus. Though the skill level to use vim would vary from person to person, the video covers a wide range of topics and I think would have something for everyone. The video starts with the help command and introduces how to use the help command in vim. This was informative, since you could learn once concept at a time by using vim help. Then the video continues with the different features of vim ranging from search to visual block mode. It was interesting to learn about the different visual modes and how they differ. There were a wide range of concepts covered in the video and I would say the best way to learn them is do one video/feature at a time. Full Review >

OSCON 2014: Video Compilation

OSCON 2014: Video Compilation

Vinubalaji's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 22, 2014 Vinubalaji Gopal wrote: OSCON 2014 Complete Video Compilation
I always wanted to attend OSCON, but never had a chance since it is usually in Portland. The video compilation provides a complete view of all the action missed, except the social interaction that you get in the conference. This video compilation provides hours of technical entertainment and the scope of topics are pretty wide. The quality of the talks were very good and the video coverage/audio is good. Starting with the keynotes, I am going to list the talks that I liked and the ones I wouldn't recommend that much. Since the list of video is pretty extensive, I am sticking to a subset of the list. I will continue to update the list if I find some talks more interesting and worth mentioning. The main keynote talk by Tim O'Reilly is very inspirational and well presented. Also the keynote talk by Shadaj Laddad was good - the talk was well presented and probably inspirational for younger kids wanting to program. Full Review >

Programming JavaScript Applications

Programming JavaScript Applications

Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries

Vinubalaji's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Sep 4, 2014 Vinubalaji Gopal wrote: Programming JavaScript Applications by Eric Elliott; O'Reilly Media
I first heard about Eric Elliott from the Kickstarter page where there was a kickstarter project to raise money to teach a course on Javascript. I was very much expecting a lot from this book but I had to stop reading the book after a point when I realized this book was not for me. Full Review >

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Featured Review

iOS Game Development Cookbook

John Drews wrote:
Must Have
All iOS developers will enjoy this book. Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0