Reviews by Tony Dunsworth

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Becoming Functional

Becoming Functional

Steps for Transforming Into a Functional Programmer

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 17, 2014 Tony Dunsworth wrote:
Overall, for an experienced declarative programmer, this is a great introduction and a good guide to adding in functional concepts where they are called for. For less experienced programmers, this is a great way to look at a new paradigm while gaining a good understanding of how it can work in the real world. I heartily recommend the book for anyone interested. Full Review >

Algorithms in a Nutshell

Algorithms in a Nutshell

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 7, 2014 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Great Reference for the experienced
This is a book for reference when you know what you’re doing and you want to confirm how this algorithmic pattern or that pattern will impact the program and the speed of computation. The book is well written and there is tonnes of example code throughout the book to explain what the authors are saying about each type of algorithm Full Review >

LEGO Space

LEGO Space

Building the Future

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 3, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Imagination Engaged
This book was perfect! The story line is great for kids who want to have fun with an easy to grab good v. evil story while learning a few cool things about the history of the space race at the beginning Full Review >

Learning R

Learning R

A Step-by-Step Function Guide to Data Analysis

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 2, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Great for learning a new language
I have never worked with R before, but I work with a lot of data queries and data analysis in my day job. Mr. Cotton’s book is fantastic from the ability to get the foundations and figure out how to write different things in R. His tone is easy going and conversational; so I was able to follow along on something that seemed foreign in relation to what I do. The book is broken down, at the beginning, into various pieces, strings, numbers, etc. I like this approach to it because it gave me the ability to focus on each piece of the puzzle and see how I could access data and gather information from that data Full Review >

Head First C#

Head First C#

A Learner's Guide to Real-World Programming with C#, XAML, and .NET

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 1, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Great for ADHD devs
This book is no exception. It is well researched and well written. The examples are entertaining and keep you engaged with the book and with the concepts as they build layer by layer until you have a very solid understanding of the basics of C#. This is a book geared to someone picking the language up for the first time. My only complaint is that they are so centered on Windows 8 and the Windows App Store that they had to put out a separate pdf file for people who don’t have or don’t develop for Window 8. For me, I had not yet made the jump, so I needed the conversions in places. However, the book was so new, it wasn’t immediately available. Full Review >

Jump Start CoffeeScript

Jump Start CoffeeScript

Get Up to Speed With CoffeeScript in a Weekend

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 21, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Great for Learning Game Programming
The book is a quick and comical read by an author who really knows the ins and outs of Javascript and CoffeeScript. In this “season”, the developer (Mr. Castledine and by extension you) has been roped into a seven day “Build-A-Game” competition and partnered with a team of less than diligent designers, artists, etc. So in the end, you’re on your own to build a web based game in 7 days. To make it either more entertaining, or more insane, you decide to code this in a language you’ve never used before. Full Review >

CSS Fonts

CSS Fonts

Web Typography Possibilities

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 11, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Developers should buy this book
In the course of 60 pages, this book covers every font selector in CSS and covered a few that I’d never heard of as well. Full Review >

The Modern Web

The Modern Web

Multi-Device Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Aug 9, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Fantastic Book for Web Developers
After I started reading this book, I realized if I hadn’t received it as a review copy, I would still want to go out and buy it. This was one of the best books I’ve read at introducing many of the new options available in web construction, from HTML5, through CSS3, all the way to Javascript and APIs and how to use the basics. Full Review >

F# for C# Developers

F# for C# Developers

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Jul 31, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Good starter book - but dense
To me, this book really is written for a programmer who has started hearing more about F# and wants to know what could be done with it and wants to get his or her feet wet with the language.. It’s a good book, well written and full of exemplar code which builds on itself. Full Review >

HTML5 Canvas

HTML5 Canvas

Native Interactivity and Animation for the Web

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 28, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote:
Full Review >

Programming F# 3.0

Programming F# 3.0

A Comprehensive Guide for Writing Simple Code to Solve Complex Problems

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On May 20, 2013 Tony Dunsworth wrote:
Full Review >

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

A JavaScript and jQuery Developer's Guide

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Oct 24, 2012 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Review–Learning JavaScript Design Patterns Addy Osmani O’Reilly Press
I’m back with my book reviews and in this case, it’s Addy Osmani’s newest book from O’Reilly Press: Learning JavaScript Design Patterns. Being honest, I read Addy’s blog pretty regularly, so I knew what to expect from this book before I got started reading it. However, having said that, I… Full Review >

Programming HTML5 Applications

Programming HTML5 Applications

Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in JavaScript

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 6, 2012 Tony Dunsworth wrote:
Full Review >

Data Source Handbook

Data Source Handbook

A Guide to Public Data

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 24, 2011 Tony Dunsworth wrote:
Full Review >

Head First WordPress

Head First WordPress

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jan 31, 2011 Tony Dunsworth wrote: Book review for O'Reilly Press
Head First WordPress by Jeff Siarto is a very interesting book for a first time WordPress blogger. Part of the O'Reilly Press "Head First" series which offers a quick introduction to a topic with a quirky and off beat style, this book follows well in that trend. Full Review >

HTML5: Up and Running

HTML5: Up and Running

Dive into the Future of Web Development

Tony's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 9, 2010 Tony Dunsworth wrote: HTML5: Up and Running by Mark Pilgrim
Mark Pilgrim, author and organizer of the website Dive Into HTML5 has also penned a book about the topic published by O’Reilly Press entitled HTML5: Up and Running. The book, as it is named is designed for web developers to give them a good jump start into HTML5 and all of the promising API’s and tricks which it promises. Full Review >

Top Reviewers

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Featured Review

Intermediate Perl

Bob Belderbos wrote:
Intermediate Perl by Schwartz/Foy/Phoenix; O’Reilly Media
After having learned the basics in Learning Perl (“Llama book”), Intermediate Perl takes you to… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0