Reviews by Stefan Horochovec

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Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5

Developing Android Applications with Flex 4.5

Building Android Applications with ActionScript

Stefan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Jun 17, 2013 Stefan Horochovec wrote: Excellent for beginners
This book is very interesting for those who are starting on mobile development and has experience developing with Adobe Flex / Adobe AIR. Demonstrate key techniques so you do not have to leave your comfort zone (development with Adobe Flex / AIR) and has to learn a new technology to start developing for Android. It is a book that goes straight to the point with practical examples of key concepts and features needed to develop on Android devices. Full Review >

Learning Flex 4

Learning Flex 4

Getting Up to Speed with Rich Internet Application Design and Development

Stefan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 18, 2011 Stefan Horochovec wrote: Excellent book for beginners in Flex
The book starts with a good introduction, where he leads the reader to know a little of the Flash Plataform, explaining clearly the differences between Flex for Web and Desktop, making a good introduction to the development environment. At this point, the developer who is starting in Flex already feels comfortable with his new tool. The authors make a sequence of chapters designed to create forms with navigation controls, where they can be implemented include the validations, formatters, restrictions, with clear examples of how it can be done to implement each of these situations. The book also shows techniques for creating Styles and Skinning in Flex applications. The book makes a very interesting explanation on the implementation of FXG and its use in Skinning. Full Review >

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Big Data Analytics

Nitin K Sookun wrote:
A good read
Big Data Analytics is mostly suitable for business owners & managers thinking to adopt Big… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0