Reviews by Shari Morehead

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The Myths of Innovation

The Myths of Innovation

Shari's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 6, 2012 Shari Morehead wrote: Innovation is More than Newton's Apple
If you're tired of hearing the overused buzzword, "Innovation" bandied about the office too often, this book is worth the read. Scott Berkun discusses the different myths attributed to innovation through history, and why innovation itself is not the magical solution. Full Review >

App Savvy

App Savvy

Turning Ideas into iPad and iPhone Apps Customers Really Want

Shari's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 5.0

On Dec 27, 2010 Shari Morehead wrote: App Savvy by Ken Yarmosh
The App Store has its own idiosyncrasies that can be confusing for a first-time developer trying to learn the creation and app submission process. Before you launch your first app to the App Store, be sure to read this book first! Full Review >

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Fabio Alessandro Locati wrote:
Really good book
Metasploit is the most common and complete framework for testing security. Metasploit is an entire… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar5.0