Reviews by Rajaseelan Ganeswaran

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Graphics and Visualization on the Web

Rajaseelan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On May 16, 2014 Rajaseelan Ganeswaran wrote: Interesting Book for Javascript Visualization Beginners
His case studies are actually pretty fun, with the examples being more 'real-world'. They actually give you the idea that your imagination is the limit and encourage you to think beyond 'HTML & CSS' when it comes to in browser visualizations. Full Review >

Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl

Randal Schwartz on Learning Perl

Rajaseelan's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 23, 2013 Rajaseelan Ganeswaran wrote: An Introduction to Perl for the Enterprise
When O’Reilly Media first started, one of the books that was synonymous with its name was the Learning Perl series, more commonly known as the ‘Llama Book’. Schwartz authored it, and continues to update it to this day. He actively conducts courses on Perl, and has refined the book through its many iterations based on feedback. In this video lecture, we finally have this privilege of ‘sitting’ live in one of his famed classes. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Python Cookbook

Thom Allen wrote:
Build some good Python meals with this cookbook
One of my favorite books types are Cookbooks. I like them because they tend to… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0