Reviews by Rafael Flores

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CSS Fonts

CSS Fonts

Web Typography Possibilities

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Nov 17, 2013 Rafael Flores wrote: Nice handbook on CSS Fonts
If you are ever considering the use of CSS Fonts in any project (web, mobile...) this little one of 58 pages is a must. You will find no black magic here, but a great primer on how and where to add some CSS code and "hey presto!" have a much nicer looking web page. All using standards, everything from Font families, faces, weight, styles, etc. It even covers font matching, a rather unfrequent technique used to guarantee the most similar UI font experience on any user agent. Full Review >

Drupal for Designers

Drupal for Designers

The Context You Need Without the Jargon You Don't

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Oct 25, 2012 Rafael Flores wrote:
This time I'm into Drupal, the opensource CMS of choice. Based on the usual xAMP stack (that means, anyOS capable of running Apache, MySQL and PHP would do), it's a very powerful web system that runs on some of the most viewed sites on the Web (The Economist, the White House... there're plenty of web examples here). However, getting to that maturity level takes some time and effort, and that's where Dani Nordin's book fits in. Full Review >

Where Conference 2012: The Business of Location: Video Compilation

Where Conference 2012: The Business of Location: Video Compilation

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Aug 31, 2012 Rafael Flores wrote: Massive info&ideas on location services
A great and thorough compilation of videos on all the sessions that took place at Where2012 conference. You'll need some time to go through all them! Full Review >

Beginning PhoneGap

Beginning PhoneGap

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 1.0

On May 9, 2012 Rafael Flores wrote: Sorry, too weak
Ok, the title says “Beginning…” but even so, not a book I’d buy. Being interested for various reasons on all that HTML5 can bring to the mobile world, and in particular on the PhoneGap framework I had just discovered, I read this book with some expectations... Full Review >

An Introduction to iOS Programming: From Getting the SDK to Submitting Your First App

An Introduction to iOS Programming: From Getting the SDK to Submitting Your First App

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Feb 9, 2012 Rafael Flores wrote: From zero to App publishing in less than 2 h
As the video’s subtitle states, Alasdair guides us from the very basic steps like registering on Apple’s Development platform, downloading the required SDKs and setting them up, etc. all the way to publishing our very first App on the Apple Store. Full Review >

Data Analysis with Open Source Tools

Data Analysis with Open Source Tools

A Hands-On Guide for Programmers and Data Scientists

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Jun 2, 2011 Rafael Flores wrote: An in-depth book on data analysis with graph tools
First of all I have to state clear that this book has “run over me”! It is a very good and comprehensive exercise by Mr Janert on how to produce “readable” graphs (read information) on top of massive data volumes, all with open source tools such as gnuplot, matplotlib, R, numpy, chaco, etc. Full Review >

Offline Mobile Web Applications in HTML5

Offline Mobile Web Applications in HTML5

An O'Reilly Breakdown

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Mar 14, 2011 Rafael Flores wrote: Review of O'Reilly Breakdown's video "Offline Mobile Web Applications in HTML5" by David Griffiths
The quick way to get a really fast knowledge on what HTML5 has to offer for those developing the new breed of HTML apps, both online and offline. Full Review >

Data Source Handbook

Data Source Handbook

A Guide to Public Data

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 4.0

On Feb 10, 2011 Rafael Flores wrote: Review of Data Source Handbook by Pete Warden
If you ever need a quick and short guide on web data sources that can be used (mostly) in any application to give it “top value”, this is the book for you. Full Review >

The Facebook Marketing Book

The Facebook Marketing Book

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 3.0

On Jan 29, 2011 Rafael Flores wrote: Review of The Facebook Marketing Book by Dan Zarrella and Allison Zarrella
After watching the too much bloated movie on Facebook’s beginnings, I had the impression that to be a successful web-entrepreneur you have to be either a total nerd or the luckiest guy around, not having a clue on how and if that “Facebook” is a real business or not. Then I had the chance to review Zarrellas’ “Facebook Marketing Book” which finally helped me finding out. It is not a silly attempt to create an interesting history from a dull money-making one, as the movie is, but rather a clean and practical way to learn what can be done with Facebook in order to perform a good Web 2.0 marketing attempt. Full Review >

Scott & Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class

Scott & Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class

Rafael's rating: StarStarStarStarStar 2.0

On Jan 7, 2011 Rafael Flores wrote: Review of Bill Scott & Theresa Neil's Designing Web Interfaces Master Class
Review of the Web Interface design video by Bill Scott and Theresa Neil, a good bunch of very good recommendations and patters and anti-patterns on WI designing. Unfortunately it doesn't get into the how-to at all though, which makes this video a "nice to" but not "must to" watch. Full Review >

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Featured Review

Windows 8 Hacks

Thomas Kuenneth wrote:
"Windows 8 Hacks" by Preston Gralla; O'Reilly Media
Preston Gralla has been writing books and articles for O'Reilly for quite a few years… Full Review >

Rating: StarStarStarStarStar4.0